Thursday, April 21, 2011

Revision: That Wasn't The Only Thing We Learned

Well, we thought we had learned all our valuable lessons this past week, when we sold our contract. But it wasn't until the day we actually moved out, signed over our contract, and checked our mail for the last time that we had a "doh!" moment, and found one more surprise!

The U.S. Treasury sent in Jonathan's 2009 tax return (we got our filed-jointly return weeks ago) by mail, instead of direct deposit, like we thought it would come in by. Had we had left earlier like we had wanted we would've missed out on 600 bucks!! Crazy, huh???

We felt soooo stupid, and chastened.. lol.. Here we were praying every night, trying to figure out what God really wanted us to do, asking why He wasn't quickly providing us with someone to take our contract - especially when we had so many people interested, and trying to figure out plans for the summer if we were to stay, when the whole reason (I believe) was to a) learn patience and b) wait for our tax money to come in.
He was only looking out for us! The very thing which we thought we were doing by trying to leave! We were quite embarrassed.

It was kind of funny because tons of people were telling me, "maybe it's a sign you're supposed to stay in Rexburg." Although I resented that statement then, I find it 50% true. The Lord DID want us to stay in Rexburg, at least until the 18th when we would get the check in the mail. But I do not believe He wanted us to stay there all summer, which is why early Monday morning, soon after we posted an ad, a couple said "yes" with no hesitation. The Lord was just waiting for the right moment. I feel soo blessed to have such a loving Heavenly Father who looks after us and knows EVERYTHING we need! And is so merciful to give us what we ask, and more. There is no way I can say this was coincidence. It was truly all in the Lord's hands. :)

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