Tuesday, April 26, 2011

21 and...Pregnant?

Seeing how I have a lot of time on my hands while being at the hotel while Jonathan goes out and sells alarm systems, I have come to watch only a few hours of TV. (I'm not a tvaholic, thank goodness!)

The one show I decided to watch today was "16 and Pregnant" ... lol you maybe wondered why.. but I guess being pregnant I get fascinated by anything that has to do with pregnancy. Pathetic, I know. A little bit too much drama for me, but it entertained me for a while.

Anyway, some things that I have gained A LOT of appreciation for, by watching that TV show are:

I'm thankful that I am married to a wonderful man!

I'm thankful that both sides of our parents are so supportive and loving of all of our decisions, and love each of us! 

I'm thankful that I was able to finish high school, get a college degree, and had a chance to make a (mini) career for myself before I made a commitment to bring up children, so I didn't have any regrets about it, like most of the teens did on the show. 

I'm thankful that my baby is NOT an accident! She is such a blessing! I couldn't ask for anything greater. :)

I'm thankful that I don't have any of that extra drama that would come along with making a mistake, like so many young girls do. I have enough stress as it is, no need to add any extra to my plate. 

All in all, I'd say I'm pretty lucky.

30 weeks! Only 10 to go! :)

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