Monday, April 18, 2011

Things We Just Needed To Learn

Sooo!!! What a long crazy few weeks it sure has been. 

We have been trying to sell our leasing contract that goes until July 2012 (bogus, right? We learned our lesson to NEVER sign a lease that long, no matter how desperate we are lol) as if you couldn't tell by the previous post.

We've had about 10 people come and say they are interested, look at it, act like they want it, then find something cheaper and tell us no. So heartbreaking!

BUT good news! So last night we stayed up watching a movie, then Jonathan decided we'd post an ad on craigslist just one more time.. .and lo and behold! At 10am this morning a man called saying he actually wanted it! Like a "Yes, I'll take it!" instead of "lemme ask my wife.. and discuss things" because that usually meant no.

Good thing we've been prepared from the beginning, since the fifth person came over to look, and all our bags have been packed, clothes/sheets washed, and everything in their appropriate boxes, that we can just be out tomorrow when they want in. I feel SOOO relieved you have no idea!


We did learn a few valuable lessons: 1) Not to procrastinate advertising when you want to be out at a certain time. We should've done this months ago, but instead we waited until April to start, when most of the other couples in our complex had already been selling theirs by the time we wanted out. 2) Patience.. and that when the Lord wants us to leave, we'll leave. This one has been one of the most trying ones, just because we had a hard time distinguishing if it meant "keep being patient, I'll provide someone", or "Heeellooo you've had 10 people say no, get the hint! You're staying!" 3) we are NEVER signing a lease that goes for a year and a half!! The only reason we took it was because we didn't have enough money for a deposit and first month's rent, and this deposit was waived...and we didn't know about the length of the lease basically until we were signing it. So dumb. Dumb on our part.
4) I've learned that it's okay to act, even when you don't get a sure answer. I was just so confused about whether we should go or stay, that one night I was reading talks on the LDS website, trying to find an answer.. and found one that said "Finding Answers" by Joseph Fielding McConkie, with a subtitle saying, "Acting When No Sure Answer Comes." And I figured perfect.
I really liked:
President Brigham Young explained this doctrine: “If I do not know the will of my Father, and what he requires of me in a certain transaction, if I ask him to give me wisdom concerning any requirement in life or in regard to my own course, or that of my friends, my family, my children, or those that I preside over, and get no answer from him, and then do the very best that my judgment will teach me, he is bound to own and honor that transaction, and he will do so to all intents and purposes.”

{I felt that was really comforting.. because we hadn't felt that that it was wrong to go to Nebraska, nor stay in Rexburg, even though this whole time we have been leaning towards moving and selling in Nebraska, so it was just really confusing. But knowing that we could make a decision without have a sure yes or no, felt relieving to my Spirit. Now all that was holding us back was the contract.}

Then in the talk, I also read the famous Doctrine and Covenants scripture, "But behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right." (D&C 9:8)

And realized that we had never really studied it out in our minds...we had always felt that it was right to go. So last night before bed, I made (hehe, yes made) Jonathan sit with me and talk about our options if we couldn't sell the contract, and came up with 3. Then we talked about the pros and cons of each. We still didn't have a burning in our bosoms. It felt right to go to Nebraska, for mostly monetary reasons - being able to provide for the baby and for the next school year, but also giving birth to her in Rexburg would be good too since I already have a doctor and stuff. But I figured, if that's what the Lord asks of us to do in that scripture, we could at least talk about our situation, no matter what we feel at the moment, because we could find another perspective.

And today, we finally got our answer!! The Lord pulled through on His side, teaching us faith, enduring trials, trust, and patience and let someone actually want to be interested in our place, and say yes. It's trials like these that strengthen our faith in Christ, even - no especially - when it's hard.

{Sorry this was SO long!}

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