Friday, April 1, 2011

Babies babies babies!!!

So yesterday, was a pretty great day! 1) I found out my best friend had her baby boy!!! 2) I had a surprise baby shower! 

My good friend Gigi (the one who took me on a girl's night when our husbands were gone) threw me this awesome surprise baby shower! She planned/kept it a secret it pretty well, even though I found out 2 hours before the party - but I will come to that in a few minutes. Last week she texted me asking if I was going to be busy the 31st and that she was planning an American Idol party. At first I thought she meant that upcoming thursday, which would've been the 24th. I thought I was going to be busy so I said I wasn't sure if I was going to come. But then I realize I wasn't so I said yes. :) So, this Wednesday she gets me all excited saying that we're gonna take lots of pictures to go on facebook and dress nice and then even Jonathan mentioned before 730 on Thursday that he wanted to take me out and have us go on a fancy date where we dress up (part of the plan so I don't come to the party in sweats lol)

Anyway, she was so thoughtful she wanted to involve my sister and mom, so she messaged them saying they should call around 530 their time/730 mine, as I walk over to the party and be on the phone when everyone shouts "surprise." (I later found out Mari couldn't call as she had to be at work) But unfortunately, Gigi accidentally messaged Mari and gave her the wrong date. She said it was Wednesday the 30th (because of when I said I wouldn't be able to come the 31st, oops lol). Soo, around 5:30 (my time) I get a text from Mari asking if I got their presents they sent. I knew my mom was sending me a package from Deseret Books for my birthday, so I told her I hadn't checked the mail yet. And then the rest of the convo went kinda like this... 

M: nooo the baby shower presents!!
(and before I got to my phone, she sent another)M: Did you not get it yesterday??? Gigi said it was yesterday at 7:30......................
A: Baby shower? What the freak are you talking about??? And how do you know Gigi? I know she's planning on AMERICAN IDOL party today at 730... Grrrilllll did you ruin a surprise?????? lol
M: LOL Oops!!! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!!! She told me Wednesday the 30th at 730.

 And then preceded to tell me how sorry she was and how she felt so stupid and mad at herself. I told her not to worry about it. It's no big deal. I was way surprised either way, cause I was NOT expecting any type of party whether it be a birthday or baby shower. It was just a kinda funny misunderstanding/mistake. I thought it was soo funny, and really well hid. I ended up dressing up nicely anyway and acted surprised when I got to the party. After all, she did put a lot of hard work into making all the decorations and doing at least 5-6 games with prizes! PLUS! A clothesline with all sorts of cute onesies and yummy cupcakes and other foods. Very, very thoughtful. :) 

Some of the games we played were: Baby Mama Drama, where we had to match the celebrity moms to their babies and come up with their names. "Pay attention" - to what mom's wearing. So I was hiding in the bathroom while they wrote down everything they could remember about me lol. "Lucky duck" - with little rubber duckies - each one gets a prize except the lucky one lol. The beloved poop/chocolate filled diaper game, a Fact/Myth game, and coming up with as many song names that have 'Baby' in it.

Then I got to open up all her presents. :) I opened the first one from my mom and sister. SUCH cute clothes! Tutus, mini skirts, tiny shoes! dresses, outfits, bows, tights, and a homemade tie blanket! 
I mostly have enough clothes from friends, so a lot of people gave me a lot of wipes/ some diapers - which I really wanted/needed. And we got bath body wash/lotion, a swaddle blanket and a few other clothes. It was all very nice. And I appreciate all of them!! :D


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