Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mid-week update

I am trying to think of something positive, uplifting, entertaining, and not completely dull to talk about.. but not really anything is coming to mind, besides the awesome General Conference weekend we've had - and how it's had a totally positive effect on our lives and marriage! Truly, the Lord does answer prayers, especially when you're looking for the answers through the words of our beloved Prophet and Apostles.

I guess I'll start with my week after Conference..

Monday: My birthday. I went to Jonathan's 745am D&C class since it was his last one and he's always wanted me to attend, and had a good time. It kind of felt like I was back in Institute, which I've missed. Then we came back and made pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausage for birthday breakfast. After that my brain is fuzzy and I can't recollect that far back - oh wait.. I helped a friend pack, then came home and took a nap lol - And for dinner we had Subway and then went back home. Jonathan went to go pick up a friend (and hunt for birthday presents) while his other friend Jeff showed up at our apartment. He ended up taking me to the store to get ingredients for the cheesecake that I made. My dad always makes them for our birthdays, and since I don't have my family around.. I wanted a little piece of them here in Rexburg. All in all it was a good birthday. Of course, I didn't get anything on my wishlist.. but that's why they call it a wishlist.. to keep on wishing for it!! haha
                                                                                     mmm yummy
But he did get me gummy bears (my fave candy), the Spider-Man trilogy set for 13 bucks which we've both been craving for months now, a "Joker" (Heath Ledger) birthday card - with sound (it's only funny cause he loves that movie and quotes the Joker all the time, in which I tell him to shut up all the time lol), Heath chocolate bars, and gum. I don't mind that I didn't get what I really wanted, because our stinking tax returns haven't come in yet, so money is tight. And these things were very thoughtful. :) I had a good time. My mom also sent me a book about Emma Smith, that I have to read, it looks interesting. It's called "Beloved Emma." Plus, my dad put $100 in my bank account. He is just the sweetest thing.

Tuesday: I can't really remember doing anything memorable haha, except picking up and chauffeuring around Jonathan's brother who is town again. He's here visiting his (old/new) girlfriend. Some of the places he wanted me to take him were kind of inconvenient, especially when I had to turn back around and get Jonathan at campus again 30 minutes later.. so after making a fuss about it he promised he'd pay me. YES! Haha
It sounds harsh, but he is a kind of person that takes advantage of others, and does things only when it's beneficial to him (and then sometimes lies about the situation when we get mad or upset.. really frustrating because we know he's not telling the truth, oyy). But that's about all I'll expand on that.. because Tuesday night wasn't very pleasant having to play taxi again. But that's enough of that hehe.

Wednesday: Since so many people are leaving this semester and need help packing/babysitting I offered to help babysit a friend who just sold their contract and had to be out by 9 that night. So I babysat for 4-5 hours. It felt really nice to help out. Ever since Conference I've had this urge or desire to want to be a better person, be more happy and nice to others, looking for ways to serve. It helps them and keeps me busy. Each day this week I've tried to offer my services to anyone who's in need. And I feel good helping.
My friend got a lot done at her apartment, so I felt really good.
Afterward, I was to meet up with Gigi and her hsuband (and my husband and Jeff who were all playing Halo at Gigi's house lol) and 2 other couples to go out to Garcia's in Idaho Falls, since Gigi and Kevin are leaving for Oklahoma City for Pinnacle on friday. It was nice, the food was really good and it was nice spending an evening with other couples from the ward. Then all the boys decided to go back to the apartment and play some more, while the girls headed to Target to shop. That's where I decided to "splurge" a bit on me and buy a belly band! woohoo! It ended up being 18 bucks with tax, but I used what was left of our gift card and the cash that his brother gave me for driving. And I'm so happy! Now I can actually wear my other pants/skirts! Haha I still want to upgrade to actual maternity clothes, but I'm content for now. :)

So that's been the extent of my week so far. I offered to come over to help Gigi clean/pack today since she has carpel tunnel, but I'm not sure when. Not really sure besides that what else I'm doing today. Probably write my dad a letter. There's been some arguing back home and things just aren't right, which makes me sorrowful for my family and all who suffer. Ugh, tough stuff!

Baby update: Some days I feel I am getting bigger and other days I feel like I've been almost the same size for the past 2 months. She definitely kicks higher though. When I'm riding in the car or sitting up in bed I usually always feel her kicking my ribs.. or at least there is pressure on them. It doesn't really hurt, none of her kicks do. It just feels tickly.. or like muscle twitches haha. Definitely a fun feeling.
I get heartburn, on occasion, but nothing too terrible (haha I've been through worse! ;) ), and usually tums does the trick. Things seem to be smooth sailing. It's funny cause I get bored throughout the day, or sometimes worried about her, but as soon as she starts kicking I feel better and am rest assured that she's okay. And tomorrow we have a 8:30 doc's appt to do a gestational diabetes test. Yumm.. I getta drink 50 grams of sugar in a lovely glucose drink. Can't. Wait. Hopefully we get to see her on the screen.. I'm gonna ask. :)

According to she is almost 2 lbs and almost 14 1/2 inches from crown to toes! :) She is starting to sleep according to regular sleep patterns and practicing opening and closing her eyes. Just 89 days to go! Woohoo ;)

Well that's about it.

oh I guess I should include Jonathan haha

Jonathan's update: He is loving having school almost over with, what a relief! He loves school of course, but we're both just super ready to leave (not literally, we have some minor packing to do and, oh yeah, sell our CONTRACT!) but we both are sick of the wind and the rain and the SNOW that we got last night. We're excited to move to Nebraska. And he's super excited to sell this summer for Pinnacle Security. I believe he only has 2 more finals left, tomorrow. Yay for the end of the semester! And then it's on to online classes! Haha..

Well, that's all folks!

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