Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So.. we didn't luck out....

With an ultrasound.. BUT we got to hear the baby's heartbeat! (about 140 bpm :D) which was way cool. I have never been in (due to lack of money/health insurance and I didn't know about medicaid til about the time we were moving from Texas) so I was kind of nervous what was going to go on or if I, or the baby, was in a terrible condition. But the doctor was way surprised at how well I was doing. Note: I have yet to experience ANY pregnancy horror symptoms ie: nausea, vomiting, queasiness, haha STRETCH marks - thank goodness - at least not yet, varicose veins, smelling things and wanting to puke, or swelling feet and legs. Of course, I'm sure I'm prone to it later in the pregnancy, but so far it's been a very joyful experience. It's hard to sympathize with all those harsh comments and stories on websites and books that talk about how painful and annoying pregnancy is. I happen to love it! :D

Soo, since the doc said it'd probably be best to wait until I'm 20 weeks along (that way we can at least get a better chance at seeing what the gender is instead of wasting an ultrasound) we're scheduled to come in 2 weeks (the 16th - on my Mom's birthday haha woohoo). I'm sooooo excited :D Can't wait. I'm hoping for a girl and even me and Jonathan (when I first found out) had dreams the SAME night it'd be a girl. But he wants it to be a boy. The doc said he only heard 1 heartbeat but that doesn't promise anything, so who knows! haha.. Anyways, I'm excited and had a great day today. And now I'm going to go eat.

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