Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lydia Danielle Hernandez

Today at 8:30 we went in for our doctor's appointment to get an ultrasound done and see the gender! Everything is super good. She's normal, no cleft lip or abnormalities in her body. And.. if you haven't guessed already, "it's" a girl!!!! :D We decided to name her Lydia Danielle. Jonathan chose the middle name. And I really liked Lydia. It's more of a old-fashion name.. at least to me. I haven't seen very many Lydia's around lately. 
So, I think it's rather darling.

It was cool cause this whole time I've felt that it would just be a girl. We even had dreams the same night, when we first found out, that it would be a girl. And when we told the doctor that today he laughed and said, "well, what do you need me for?" haha.. Jonathan was rooting for a boy, but I can already tell he is loving the idea of having a little daughter, that'll look like the both of us. We were giggling during most, if not all, of the ultrasound cause it was just so cool and exciting to see our little baby girl on the screen! It feels so amazing to know that you're going to be a parent, especially a mother, of one of Heavenly Father's children. I feel like I have such a duty to God and to my future children to raise them the best that I can. The rising generation depends on faithful parents! I can't wait until she is here! :) I have such love in my heart for her already and I love being able to call her a HER and give her a name and not just "it" and "the baby". 

It's also my Mother's birthday today. After we found out I called my mom and told her the good news. Everyone was looking forward to it, especially her for her birthday. What a really special gift. And it'll be her first grandbaby. I'm excited for both my parents. I know they're really happy for me.  

I love the life I have

                                                                            Girl parts.. if you couldn't tell ;)

{check out my facebook video for a better look. :) }
The Doc said things like..."there's the leggers," "you wouldn't want a 3D ultrasound right now anyway, they look like zombies" lol and said our little girl was "sucking on the umbilical cord." If you look closely in the beginning of the video you can kinda see her do it. Sorry there's so much movement and it's blurry and there's no sound. It is just an ultrasound and not the real thing. :P 


  1. How exciting! My cousin and his wife just named their little girl Lydia too! Congrats!
