Friday, November 15, 2013

I Never Want To Forget My 7 month old!

Woohoo! I've managed to keep Elena alive yet another month. 7 months down, forever to go!! I always said that with Lydia, she started becoming really fun at around 5-7 months, having such a fun personality. And it rings true with Elena.

Here are some things I never want to forget about my 7 month old!

She loves books! Eating and hitting them, and occasionally looking at the pictures, but she loves swatting them and gets excited when we give her one.

She loves Lydia so much and has a blast watching her do her little acrobatics around the house.

Tonight we found out she loves dogs, A LOT. She squealed with delight over and over and she hit and tried to pull out the poor dog's fur haha.

She is so calm lately..maybe it's because her teeth have finally popped through and it's not causing as much pain.

She is also sleeping a lot better through the night...AND DAY haha. Girl sleeps 5-7 hours during the day. I know, I know, I need to change that. It's a work in progress.

Makes the funniest facial expressions. I kind of just love her eyebrows haha.

She scoots around A LOT. She almost has the army crawl down. But she uses her feet instead of her arms to move around. This is also probably why she wakes up a lot at night. She scoots so far in the crib she runs her head into the bars haha. Tough life.

I never want to forget

How she loves watching herself on the phone camera. She also loves sucking on our phone.

As a matter of fact, she loves sucking on anything she can get her hands on and has a kung fu grip on any cord in sight.

She has mastered the fake cough. I can see her pretending to be sick in the future to stay home from school. ;)

Sometimes I catch her sucking on two fingers from each hand in her mouth. Kind of like how you use your fingers to make a funny face, that's what it looks like.

She is the kind of baby who loves to just be laid down for a nap so trying to force her to nap in my arms at Church is torture for the both of us.

How I love kissing her perfectly round forehead. And smelling her recently washed sweet head. It's my fave.

Sometimes she will just sit back in the swing or her car seat and just stare at her surroundings or us with a blank face. So we nick-named her the Boss and every once in a while Jonathan likes to turn on the Godfather song. It's perfect.

She's a rolly polly. She can roll over from stomach to back and back to stomach. I can't lay her on the couch anymore because she likes to roll over and I'm afraid she'll just roll right off the couch haha. That can't be good. She also likes to lean way too far over when she's sitting that sometimes her face touches her toes. Oh to have that kind of flexibility! Haha

I never want to forget

She loves other babies. She gets a happy face when she sees them and especially when she gets to play with them.

I let her play with all the toys Lydia won't let her play with, when Lyd's asleep. Mwahaha!

When she is either hungry or tired, if a stranger tries to hold her she gets an immediate frowny face and starts crying.

When Lydia sits watching her shows on the iphone (or used to be the ipad which we sold), Elena would sit right next to her and watch it with her. It is adorable.

She can almost sit by herself for long periods of time. I think the longest the other day was was 2 minutes. She's still a little wobbly and leans to the right or left, but she's doing pretty well!

That she now has all 4 top teeth that she got in over a 2 weekspan, along with her 2 bottom teeth. They're pretty sharp. But I'm glad that's over.

She is having more poopy diapers. Woohoo! :)

She weighs 16lbs 14oz.

Screams like crazy when she gets her shots. Poor thing. She's a champ though. :)

She really is such a sweet girl. I have a lot of people comment on how relaxed and chill she is just laying there in your arms.

Here's the vid of her fake-coughing. :)

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