Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I Never Want To Forget My 6 Month Old!

As a mommy blogger, I totally suck! It's been a week and a day since my wee one turned half a year old and I never even posted what I never wanted to forget about her! I guess I'll make the excuse that...we're living life and having fun each day that I forget to post. I'm also late on a lot of posts.. I feel like just making one huge one with tons of pictures to catch up for months and months... but that's for another day.

So here we go. Things I never want to forget..about my 6 MONTH OLD!

I never want to forget

How she squeals with delight when she sees your face! Or to herself in her midnight. Not so delightful.

When she's laying on her back she'll bring her toes to her mouth.

How she loves to have one foot in the air and Lydia thinks it's hilarious.

That she is just so fond of Lydia and loves when she gets in her face.

That at 6 months, she doesn't fit in most of her 3-6 month clothes anymore and is almost too long for all of her 6-9 clothes. 9 months is just the right length for her. Tall child.

I never want to forget

How much she keeps me up at night ---- I never want to forget this so that I will wait a little longer for child #3 ;) not because I enjoy it haha

How the other day I serenaded her with broken Dean Martin songs (my memory is a little dodgy) and she watched me the whole time until she finally fell asleep. So perfect.

She loves baby food! But I am either a) too tired b) too busy or c) a and b to remember to feed her.. Plus nursing is easier.

She has 2 and 1/2 teeth..kinda. She has two bottom and is working on her third - an upper right incisor tooth........which needs to bloody pop through already before I lose my mind due to sleep deprivation!

I never want to forget 

How smiley she is. Now that Lydia's a grumpy/sassy 2 year old, that act can sometimes get tiring.. thanks to lil Elena, she balances out everything! So sweet to cuddle after a hard day with Lydia. :)

She is so well-mannered at Church.

Her poopy troubles haha. That probably sounds weird but I'm sure I'll look back on it and totally forget that we went through all that.

That she loves Jonathan a lot! She spends all day with me and is fine, but she stares at Jonathan when he comes home and when they make eye contact she immediately beams! She must miss him!

That Elena is such a light sleeper. And I wish our door opened more softly. That is usually the reason she wakes up at night. I should just sleep on the couch from now on so she sleeps longer ;)

I never want to forget

That she can now move from her tummy to back and back to tummy like a baby ninja! And she can usually go from side to side if she's really determined.

She knows when I'm about to lay her in bed, especially if I say "goodnight" because that's what I say every time I lay her down. It's her little cue..and sometimes she wants to be cuddled instead of just being laid down so she fusses when I say goodnight.

She's pretty good with strangers..unless she's hungry or tired. Then she will give you the biggest frown you've ever seen.

She really is my little sunshine.

 I may have hard nights with her, but I always know she'll be there to brighten up my day :)

I can't believe she's already 6 months... 6 more months is going to come too soon!

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