Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Never Want to Forget My 3 Month Old!

Ugh. I am way overdue on this post (and actually a few other posts from the past two months). All week I've mean meaning to write what I never want to forget about Elena turning 3 months old on Monday, but each day I got carried away with meaningless things and piles of homework. I'm so excited for this semester to be over with, you have no idea.

Here is what I never want to forget about my 3 MONTH OLD!

I never want to forget how when she wakes up in the morning she is so extremely happy. She will just "hoo" and "aww" at me for at least 10 minutes, not even caring about her hungry tummy or her soiled diaper. She loves that interaction.

Speaking of her lovely singing. The other night I was rocking her to sleep, humming a song, and after every phrase of the song she would sing back to me going, "oohhh.... oohhhhh...oohhh" every. time. Before she drifted off to sleep. It melted my heart with happiness.

She is currently wearing a size 2 diaper! Getting so big so quickly!

She has the prettiest little eye-lashes that I adore. The ends of them curl up naturally. She'll be so lucky if she never has to use an eyelash curler.

She has been sleeping much better these days. It's as if turning 3 months old was magic and she takes actual naps during the day.

She can almost hold her head up all the time without help. She's getting so good at it!

I never want to forget

That she has finally learned how to suck on her thumb. It's a big accomplishment for her! Especially for sucking mainly on her fist the past 3 months. It's like she's searching and searching and then finally finds it...then she proceeds to stick not only her thumb, but as much as she can get inside her mouth.

She has been so drooly lately! I hope she holds out for teething for at least another few months!

Right now she's wearing 3-6 month clothes and is barely fitting into her 0-3 month clothes. Sigh.. she's growing up too fast.

She is just the smiliest baby ever. And I don't even care if smiliest isn't a word. She smiles and laughs at just about everything!

I have gotten her to laugh a few times by wiggling her feet/toes near her mouth. She thinks it's so funny!

She is so ticklish! Even when she is a grump, taking off her clothes one arm at a time makes her start to smile and kind of laugh. And when I poke around her chest she wiggles from side to side and eventually smiles. I know, I'm kinda mean haha.

I never want to forget

How much I love her at this stage. She is getting so big so fast and is not my little newborn baby anymore. She has a personality and loves being with people, even if they just hold her. When I look into her eyes, and she is looking back at me, I feel like I can glimpse a piece of eternity.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! You are a beautiful mom and I look forward to having some of these sweet experiences soon too. :) You are a great example!
