Thursday, July 4, 2013



I can't believe Lydia's two already. Where did the time go? I can barely hold her on my lap because her limbs just flop everywhere and she talks so often using words that actually make sense. I can't hold her in one arm anymore and it's kind of heartbreaking, yet I love listening to her silly phrases and when she learns a new word it always impresses me. It's funny, I'm looking at her now, and even when I don't say a thing she'll tell me.."luh you." That is ultimately my favorite. Unprompted, pure baby love.

Here are some things I know about my two year old (side note: I wrote half of this before her birthday..and half after).

I know

She can officially count to 3 and is learning the alphabet bits at a time. She knows B, R, H and a few others. Someday she'll get them in order.

Sometimes I'll catch her petting Elena's soft baby hair and they'll smile at each other. I know they'll be best friends.

She likes to tease me and Jonathan and say, "C'mon Anna..c'mon Jonny," even though we stress using mom and dad. She thinks it's hilarious. She'll also call me Dad and Jonathan Anna on accident, which we think is funny. 

She barely weighs 27 pounds, and that's after eating haha. It's a little over twice as much as Sissy, but if Sissy gains two pounds a month like she's been doing, she'll probably be able to take her on when she's Lydia's age!

I know

Stinker does the exact opposite of what you want. I say "smile" ..she doesn't smile

She is extremely excited for her tricycle. We kind of made the mistake of getting her a tricycle while she was with us (to make sure it was the right size, along with the helmet) and ever since then, whenever we ask, "are you excited for your birthday?"she responds.."buhday br-c-cle"  hahaha. We were trying to convince her to leave nursury after Church on Sunday when she was refusing to come. Finally Jonathan said, "you want your tricycle?!" and she came zooming out the door. I had to get after him for teasing her..because that's "not nice." haha

She is a sweetheart to Elena. She always gives Elena kisses and when she does accidentally hurt her, Lydia gets upset that she hurt her sister and feels bad.

She used to be such a great eater, but now she's super picky! And usually will take only a few bites before she starts playing with her food. I always tell her that there are starving kids in Africa who wish they could have even a little bit of food. It's not new news, it's real news. That is the truth. She can thank my world development class for that one. 

She loves sitting in the recliner with me while I sing all the primary songs I can think of. When I ask her if she wants me to sing more, with big eyes she nods her head and says, "ah more songs." 

I know

She loves my blush brush. She calls it a "neece"..because the blush brush goes on CHEEKS..and cheeks obviously sound like neece lol.. I just find it funny that she fell asleep with it. And to this day I have no idea where my blush brush is... * that's why I've been looking extremely white in all my pictures lately*

That Lydia loves her tricycle. Can't say that enough. She takes "baco" (for bicycle) everywhere around the house and talks to it..haha it's kinda funny.

She loves watching videos on the computer. Not movies, but short video clips people put on facebook. Today she wanted me to watch videos of a friend's child dancing, Uncle Tony hit the pinata, and even when I'm watching videos for school she'll get all excited and come over to see what I'm watching. Her favorite ones are the ones of her..go figure! 

She always insists that we have "bear" (aka prayer) when I set her down to sleep at night. But I usually end up saying it. I'll then kiss her goodnight and give her a few hugs and as I'm walking away she says, "ah more hugs" or "more kissies." So I'll bend down and give her some more. Then she usually says "uhhh-one" for "the other one" and turn her face to get more. I absolutely love it..and no matter how many I've given I will continue to kiss and hug her however much she wants! 

Lydia, my darling two year old. My spunky, bright eyed, optimistic two year old. My ball of fire, my little sunshine, my constantly energized two year old. My life, my sweet little dream, my little baby, my two year old. I love you so, so much. Happy Birthday. 

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