Monday, July 29, 2013

All The Things That Could Go Wrong

Usually I try to write things that are light and uplifting, or thought provoking.. or I try to make motherhood look a little glamorous (It's not, okay, I get it.). It was definitely not glamorous today.

Let's relive our day, shall we?

I finally went to sleep last night earlier than 1 (which is pretty good considering I was thinking that I should call 3am the new 1am haha sad..)

But then Lydia woke up crying at 430am. I rocked her then laid her back down in her room awake with her sippy. She seemed she would fall back asleep.

Next, I tried to climb back into bed noiseless. Fail. Elena wakes up at 530. I try nursing her back to sleep, which kind of works except for I start to get uncomfortable on my side and wiggle ever so slightly. She wakes up completely. When she's awake, she's awake. So I sit on the recliner and rock for about an hour knowing she's in her state of wakefulness, waiting for her to tire again, all the while hearing Lydia talk to herself in her room and finally knock on her door.

I eventually lay Elena back down at 645 and get Lydia back into her bed with another cup and then go to lay in my bed waiting for Elena to fall asleep. She wiggles like a baby seal on her stomach in the crib for 45 minutes and then Jonathan's alarm goes off at 730. Baby finally falls asleep. I fall asleep. By 830 he comes back in the room asking for something.

Pass out.

Til 1pm.

Attempt to put the babies and myself on a schedule: Fail

So from 1pm on Lydia decided:

That while I'm cleaning the kitchen she's going to sneak a beef bullion cube and take a few bites from it. Once I realized she was eating that I took it away from her and offered her a topless sippy cup with water to rinse her mouth out. Dumb, I know. I want her to eventually learn how to drink from a cup the normal way though..

Then I returned to the dishes making a big mistake. Once she saw that it started to drip down her chin, she decided to pour the rest of it on the kitchen floor. She was also thrilled to clean it up.

During "breakfast," or whatever you'd like to call our first meal after 1pm, I was just about to tell Jonathan how we have to supervise her every move because she's into everything, just as she dumps her plate of food all over her tray. I'll take a dumping over her tray rather than the floor any day, but it's still just one more mess for me to clean up. Apparently, even when she's 2 feet away from me she still needs supervision!

She did the same thing during dinner today while I watched her do it! Dumped her bowl of soup onto her tray. So I got a little upset because I'm just so dang tired of cleaning up messes and her fisted hands went straight to her cheeks as she looked at me wondering why I would get so upset over that. Then I put her in time-out for 2 minutes in which she tried to sneak out of it earning her another minute haha.

I definitely comprehend the meaning of terrible twos.

It's not that she's terrible.

She's just terribly into everything every moment that she's awake. And it's draining.

I will say though, while she tests my patience, and I sometimes feel like target practice, and Lydia will ask me for "ah cup" (meaning milk in her sippy cup) just about 138 times a day, tonight during Family Home Evening she showed me just how sweet and precious and innocent she truly is. And it melts all the other things away.

As we were about to do prayer before the lesson, Jonathan got up to use the rest room. Lydia started saying, "Daddy, ah prayer!" and folded her arms, bowed her head and closed her eyes. Say whaaat?! This momma was proud!! We've been battling reverence during prayers for a long time, but I feel like she's finally getting it, and the fact that she was trying to tell Jonathan to get ready for prayer melted my heart.

As I thought about today I realized I need to stop seeing all the wrong that Lydia does and start seeing her for all the good that she does. How smart she is. How truly beautiful she is and how beautifully happy she is, inside and out. She knows so much, and yes, she makes mistakes, but that doesn't change how much I love her, and how much I need her.

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