Friday, April 26, 2013

I Never Want to Forget

I do a post called Things I Know about Lydia every few months that helps me recall how she's growing and changing and I felt I wanted to do something similar with Elena so I can remember her, even especially in this tiny state. Every day literally flies by and I want to remember it all!

I never want to forget these moments.

Of the first 10 days of her life I never want to forget

How soft her skin is that is coated with the perfect baby fur.

How she seems to always have a silent smile on her face after she is fed.

Her spider leg-like fingers that stretch out so far and curl perfectly around my finger.

That she sheds more skin than a baby anaconda (it's always "snowing" at our house.. it's pretty gross, haha!)

I never want to forget

How relaxed and calm she is. She literally slept right through her PKU foot-prick today. She is such a blessing to Momma.

Her many faces she makes as her stomach is finally full and she is content.

How her "possessed" face looks as she rolls her eyes to the back of her head when she's asleep. It always makes us laugh.

That she is my good eater.. and eats possibly more than any baby I know (well, compared to Lydia at her age haha)! At birth she was 8lbs. 4 days later she was 7.10 and now she is 8.7. I'm a proud Mama.

I never want to forget

How she has me wrapped around her finger.

How my heart melts just staring at her.

Her piercing eyes as they watch the world around her.

How her nose crinkles up when she doesn't like something.

I never want to forget

Her concentrated face as she is about to destroy a diaper.

How her mouth instantly opens and tries to eat my arm when she is given to me (haha time to feed).

How when we say "cutie" or some other affectionate phrase towards her, we sometimes earn a smile from her face. It's like she knows we're complimenting her ;) .

She is my perfectly good sleeper. She'll sleep a good 3-4 hours at night, wake to feed, then goes back to sleep. I cherish those nights.

I mostly never want to forget this feeling of being a new mom again. With Lydia we were living with my family in Alaska and looking back now I feel like I've forgotten most of Lydia's early life. I can hardly remember anything about her newborn days, besides the outfits she wore or the pictures we took. I figure it's because we had to share her with so many people. But Elena I have all to myself. I can soak up every ounce of babyness and she is completely all mine.

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