Thursday, April 4, 2013

Things I Know (About my 21 m/o)

I can't believe how fast time has flown by. I thought it was relatively fast during the summer, or even the past two years, but it has sped on by since being in school. It's a good thing and a bad thing. Every day Jonathan and I realize that Lydia is getting smarter, taller, bigger and less like a baby and more like a little child. Oh how I miss her little babyness! Here are some things I know about my 21 month old!!

I know

One of her most favorite, well-used words is...."NO!".. said either in a soft voice when she means it, an innocent voice just to ruffle our feathers, or a loud shout! When she shouts NO to me I usually shout YES back to her and we do that a few times as a little game. 

When you ask her a question she will either answer you yeah, yish, or no. Usually she knows exactly what she wants.

She is pretty excited for Baby Sis and calls her "Sissy." I think it's adorable considering I have never encouraged her to use Sissy before. She picked that one up on her own.

Her favorite TV show is still Sesame Street with the beloved Elmo as her favorite character, followed closely by Cookie Monster. She is, however, warming up to Grover, Zoey, and Ernie.

She loves the Disney princesses for sure! She watched Sleeping Beauty once and knows who Aurora (or lo-la) is and loves the fact that people dance.

I know

That whenever she's sad she likes to say, "I ky-ing" or I'm crying. Yeah, she likes to milk it sometimes haha!

That her hobbit feet grew 3 sizes in 7 months!! I still can't believe that. Can you imagine if adult's feet grew that fast? We'd have so many shoes.

Some days she is the best eater. Other days she is as picky as can be.

For about a month now she has slept in her own bed ALL through the night. Sometimes she sleeps for 8 hours, sometimes 12. I don't know what finally clicked, because I had tried lots of things (schedules, evening baths, nightlights), but even without any of that she just goes and lays in her bed while I grab her sippy cup and I kiss her goodnight and she goes to sleep without me even being in the room. It is simply put..wonderful. (I just hope nothing changes when Mari moves in for a few weeks before she leaves and/or the baby comes.. yikes!)

She is a techno savvy baby. One of her favorite items, sadly, is the iPad. She knows how to navigate it to get to her baby aps, as well as, access netflix to get to sesame street, and occasionally she clicks on youtube until she finds something related to Elmo. I try to limit her time spent on that because she is a different (read: whiney) baby when I take it away. When she doesn't have it at all she is a happy little child, but once she is given it and it is taken away after a period of time she turns into Oscar the Grouch's cousin. Not fun.

Even though she loves her electronics, she still enjoys a good reading time with Mama. I felt so bad the other day knowing she had spent a lot of time on the ipad that I encouraged her to get as many books as she wanted and I read them all. 

I know

That lately she is trying to avoid my kisses. It kind of breaks my heart. Occasionally though, like last night while she was trying to get comfortable in our bed, she'll reach for my face and bring it close and give me a kiss right on the lips. It melts my heart.

Kitties, puppies, and birdies happen to be her favorite. Her face lights up when she hears them.

She'll sometimes like to help clean up, but she loves the vacuum. Earlier I said, "can you help mommy clean up?" "no!" "Do you wanna vacuum?" "yes!" Haha silly goose.

She loves seeing the fish at the doctor's office and looks for "me-mo" in the tank.

She loves playing with other babies and I've even seen her share toys with them. It makes my heart happy knowing she makes good choices herself.

After she burps she says, "cuu-mee!" We say excuse me after other things, usually forgetting to after burping (forgive us!) so I was surprised to find her do that every time after she burps. She has the best manners. She'll sign "milk" and say please, and then thank you afterward.

She knows lots of words and will copy just about anything you out! Everyone who is around her tells me that she knows a lot of words for her age, not even being two yet. Makes me proud of my smart little girl. :)

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