Thursday, May 3, 2012

Time to Brag

Today, I want to talk brag about my MAIN SQUEEZE!

We have been having a lot of fun together lately. I love family time, and especially husband time. I feel like I have been more happy and laughing a lot more, especially with him, and I'm not sure why (we had a blast watching Muppets Take Manhattan the other day! So hilarious!) BUT I'm not complaining! This is how it should be!

Lately, it seems like everything is falling into place in our lives. We feel good about life and are ever so grateful for the many blessings we have. Jonathan has a job, we have a pretty good place, a wonderful ward, and a healthy happy baby. 

But I am just so thankful for my hard-working husband. He's so busy this semester working every day, with school in the mornings. I dread Tuesdays and Thursdays because he has class from 9-4pm and then comes home to take a quick nap before he's off to work from 620-1030.... basically.. I.MISS.HIM. haha I guess you could say I'm selfish when it comes to my hubby. I hate sharing him, especially with his friends. But I know he's gotta have some buddy time, so I let his friends come over to play. It's not so bad most the time, but like I said, I'm selfish bwahaha.. :) 

Anyway, Jonathan, if you are reading this.. I just want you to know that I love you!!! And I'm so proud of you! I'm glad that you're learning German and doing really well (he got 100 on his quiz the other day, the best out of the whole class, yep I'm bragging), and I'm proud of you for providing for your family, even when you're super tired and want to ask someone to take your shift.
You've definitely encompassed the roll of loving father and husband, and I thank you for it! 

I love you Delicet!

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