Friday, May 13, 2011

Te Amo, Jonathan Hernandez

also known as "the Delicut" or "love dove" but most importantly, the love of my life!
{you can ask me where he got delicut from...if you really want to know}

I realize I never say much about him, even though I appreciate everything he does for us! Sooo here's a little blurp about the man of my dreams.

He grew up outside of Houston in a little town called League City, Texas. 

 He has an awesome mother and father, two brothers and one sister. His oldest brother served a mission in Guatemala and his younger brother is currently serving in California. His sister is married and has one little girl.. (who also happens to share the same awesome name as moi!)
You can say proud parents!

{it's okay, I stole them from facebook, you can go ahead and laugh!}

His family was baptized into the Church when he was young and after many years of inactivity they finally started going back. He soon graduated from high school and knew he had to make some decisions. He prayed to God to know whether he should join the marines or go on a mission, and receiving an answer to his prayer, he was lucky to grow strong in the gospel while spreading the truth as a missionary. Because of that he feels others should have the same opportunity to hear the word of God.

He got to serve a mission in Alaska for 2 years. And loved it! (disclaimer: That is not where we met! We met through facebook afterward when he went home and became good friends online first. We didn't even know each other on the mission) 

He has a strong testimony in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and loves LOVES missionary work! He's always willing to help investigators out or help with whatever the missionaries ask. Seriously! (Our second Sunday in Omaha, we were already going to a lesson after church and last week we gave rides to 2 investigators!)

He has a very lovable personality; very goofy, and fun to be around, which is why I have the hardest time stealing him away from all his friends!!! ;)  True story!!

He can't wait to be a father of our little girl and gives my tummy kisses each day!

He works so hard every day trying to sell security systems (and lemme tell you, it is NOT easy!). Rain, or shine, humidity, thunder and lightning, he's still out there knockin' doors to try to provide for me and our little wiggle monster.

Sometimes I get frustrated at the things he does or doesn't do, but he is the type of person where you can't stay mad at long.
Which, I think is a good thing. :)

 {yes, those are our hands :P}

<3 I just want everyone to know how much I LOVE HIM!<3

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