Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No Snow? Not fair!

Man, do I suck at blogging. Buuuut I guess that's what happens when you aren't able to get on the internet for weeks at a time. Right now I'm at the public library and was applying for jobs. Yeup.. still on the hunt.

A lot of good things have been happening lately. That baptism? Remember that? Well, I gave the very nervous prayer in spanish for it. I was actually really pleased with myself. And since then people have been asking me to offer the prayer.. so I do it with the most spanish I know.. haha.. But I feel that the Lord has blessed me in that aspect to actually be able to speak (and now I'm not as nervous) the language..at least a little bit.

We were able to get a new car! So that has been a major blessing. A friend in church was selling it for a price, but he offered to lower it a lot because he realizes our situation. It's a standard, has no AC or CD player. But I'm glad to call it ours. :) Jonathan's finally getting really good at it and he never stalls.

And this week, since I'm in the young women's, I decided to put on a girl's night slumber party for the Kemah branch girls so we can get to know each other better and work on our personal progress together because next month is Young women's in Excellence, and I really want them to succeed. I'm really learning to love these girls and I want them to recognize their divine nature and their potential and worth as daughters of our Heavenly Father. .. Mostly, I just want them to grow up to be really good people, to others, and in the gospel. And that comes from having a good example around you. So I'm trying to encourage them the best I can. It's funny cause when I was their age I didn't really care about young women's that much, but now I see the importance of it and I kinda wish I wasn't so er... stupid. lol Or ignorant, either one.
I've even started over on my personal progress (which, for people not of my faith is a program for young girls 12-18 that helps them build character and develop talents and strengths as daughters of God to become later good wives, mothers, and women. They do little experiences every so often and then a 10 hour project in each of the categories which help to build and strengthen their testimony of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ) - GASP..
And for my 10 hour Faith project I decided to memorize ... The Living Christ. And I actually did it! I feel so good doing that. I thought it was going to be really hard.. but I've learned that it was much easier to memorize than I thought. It's cool to see what happens to you when you push and challenge yourself. You come out on top. :)

Anyways, my time is up, but I just wanted to let anyone who reads this know that I love them and miss them (those in Alaska and elsewhere) and wish you all the best. I'm soo jealous that you all get snow up there! This heat is killing me! It was cool for a baby bit, but today it was just so hot! No bueno! Thank you for your prayers and constant thoughts.

PS: I LOVED GENERAL CONFERENCE.. of course, who doesn't? I loved Elder Holland's, Elder Eyrings, Pres. Monson's, Pres. Packer's... and.. a lot of others.. What I really loved from President Monson's was,

"To express gratitude is gracious and honorable, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live with gratitude ever in our hearts is to touch Heaven.." And I know I need to be more grateful. So .. :) I'm working on it. Adios!



  1. Anna you are wonderful, and again, I've said it before, you amaze and inspire me! Keep chugging!

  2. Thanks Melanie. I appreciate your words of encouragement. :)
