Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The "Mine" Mentality

{.. I'll try to keep this G rated as to not gross too many of you out :)...}

So, I'm sure if Lydia could speak at this age, she'd be saying one word. 


All women know that when we are pregnant, our bodies are obviously shared with another individual (or two, depending on if you have multiples) for 9 (really 10!) months. And we think that when we finally birth this little creature, we will finally "get our body back!" I've heard that statement by a lot of people. Ha. Right.

Little did I know that after I had my baby, I would still be sharing my body with that little somebody, sometimes even more so than I imagined. In the beginning, nursing was somewhat of a nightmare (lots of practicing and patience involved) but I desperately knew I wanted to be successful at it, no matter how hard. Now, it's part of our daily routine and something we both look forward to. I'm so glad we both became pros at it.

{I in no way judge anyone who bottle-feeds vs. breastfeeds. Breastfed is how I did it though}

However, sometimes, I wish my extra appendages (not referring to my arms and legs) were mine whenever I wanted, not whenever she wanted. And boy, is she smart. She knows what hides under my clothes, no matter what I am wearing. I can't escape her "mine" mentality. And ultimately, because I love her, I must give in. Weaning is going to be so tough. She'll probably nurse til she's 5 (let's hope not, kindergarten might be embarrassing haha).

Anyway, haven't grasped what I'm saying yet? Let me give you some examples of the "Mine" Mentality:

The food you're eating? MINE

The book you're reading? MINE

Those shoelaces? MINE

Your hair? MINE

And even..your friends? MINE! 

Not sure if we're clear on this? Here are some more!

The laptop you're using? MINE

The phone you're talking on? MINE

Your sweatshirt hoodie strings? MINE

Your sleep? MINE

The cup you're drinking from? MINE

Your body, mom? MINE!

It's a good thing I love her so darn much. I sacrifice what I want for the good of my child. And that's all that really matters, even if everything I own, is somehow always hers. 

1 comment:

  1. Aww thank you Andrea! Yeah, it can take some getting use to - her thinking everything is hers (as I take away a notebook sitting on the floor.. she has a strong grip haha)
