Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Home, Sweet Home

I love Alaska! Need I say more? 

 {okay, so it's an old picture, but who cares!}

Despite being married and living with my parentals and crazy siblings, I actually really love it here. I feel really relaxed and not so stressed out, even being 4 weeks away from my due date. In the states everything was always so busy and noisy, and even if there wasn't something for me to do I felt like I had to always keep going going going. Always worrying about something.

Although we don't have a job at the moment, a car, or a home of our own, we're being well taken care of by my family, and the Lord. I also got onto health insurance YESTERDAY. In 1 day! And today I made an appointment to see a doctor for next Tuesday. Success! Also, Jonathan applied at Home Depot on Monday. There are some good chances he might get a job there. One, my brother works there. Two, his sister and good friend work at HD in Colorado. Her friend works in the human resource department so she's going to pull some strings and shoot some emails to the office up here. It sounds pretty promising. We're keeping our eyes open for anything though.
While amidst the hardship, I already feel so blessed by being here. Surrounded by a loving family who love having us back, everything has already been 90% easier than living in Omaha! I'm so grateful we were able to make it up here.

Now if only the mosquitoes didn't really SUCK here!!

I get bitten every night! While I'm defenseless! Those little suckers!!! ;) Ohhh well, if that's the only "natural disaster" that I have to deal with, then I'll take it!

It could be worse!!

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