Friday, May 27, 2011

34 week check up!

I maybe would have felt a little bad by not posting in so long.. but then I remembered that hardly anyone reads this! So I don't feel that bad after all. ;)

Today is a good day because:

My good friend Mandy was able to take me to the doctor! FINALLY I was able to see a doctor! I'm 34 weeks right now. Last time I was seen was back in Rexburg at 27 weeks. We moved about a week and a half later and then it has taken me almost 5 weeks to get on health insurance here and make an appointment and all that. Luckily, Lydia is already an angel and I've had no problems this whole time, even though it was pretty stressful not having a doctor out here. Thankfully things are taken care of.

~ Shout out to Mandy! You're amazing! Thank you for always driving us places and taking me to the doctor when Jonathan couldn't! ~

 I feel sooo relieved. AND my ob/gyn and the nurse practitioner who was filling in while my doc was delivering elsewhere, were pretty pleased with how well I've been doing, and how healthy Lydia is. So I'm pretty happy. Her measurements are good, about a week behind my supposed due date. Which is opposite from the first measurements we took at 20 weeks when the doc said she'd be about a week early. So who knows! lol Her heart is good, pumping at a regular rate. And she's facing down and back still, like a good baby who's ready to come out should! Phewph! I've always been afraid that she'd be in breech position and I'd have to do a C-section...cause I really don't wanna! Haha

Anyways, I'm to return in on the 6th, and then my return appointments after that are once a week til she is born. SOO crazy!!! I have about a month and a week or so left. Man oh man. Time's flying fast. I almost don't feel ready. Well, I'm ready to have her.. I just need to get more things for her. I suppose once we get out of this hotel (which is for sure next Friday!.......hopefully!) we can start arranging a place for her and pull out her clothes and stuff and get all prepared. I'm so excited!! The time is finally coming! :D

Little baby fooooootsies!
Her head facing up, you can kinda see the eye :)

Well, I'm rambling hardcore right now. So I should probably stop. And go take a nap. And prepare for my primary lesson. And write my talk. Lovely!

What are your plans for Memorial Day?

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