Saturday, April 9, 2011

Well, someone's certainly a little camera shy ;)

 Haha, hay, at least she has an ear! That's comforting ;) And we know that she has 2 hands. Maybe she's just camera shy.. 'cause she was covering her face with one hand, and curled up the other by her neck.

We tried our best to get her face to turn around so we could see what she looks like, but alas, guess that must wait until July... BOOHOO!!! :( 

Sometimes, I just want my baby SOO bad.. Okay, all the time. Especially when I go through the store aisles and see baby clothes, or see ads online, OR friends who just had theirs! So jealous.
I just want myyyyyyyy babbbbyyy.. haha

Soon enough, soon enough.

~At least we know she won't go naked~

This girl has 3 boxes of her own that we're taking with us to Nebraska. One just for clothes 0-3, 3-6 months (even though we'll only be there for 2, but some of the older clothes looked like it'd fit for smaller babies and vise versa) One just for blankets, and all the gifts/mostly wipes she got from the baby shower in a box, and a backpack filled with rolled up diapers. Hope we have enough roooomm!!!

I consolidated most of the clothes, and got rid of a bunch to give to the DI, so that was helpful. ALL of that is now in 3 boxes. Woohoo for great packers like me!!

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