Monday, March 28, 2011

Qualify, Seek, Act

Yikes! It's the 28th! I haven't written anything in soo long! ;)
Last week went pretty well, despite the negative things that took place back in Alaska (2 deaths of NPHS alumni). I didn't know them very well, besides Melisa who was in the musicals/choir class with me. But it was still pretty sad since they died in a car accident due to icy roads and not wearing a seatbelt. Sad! You can never be too careful with your life!

But anyway, Thursday night we went on a double date with our friend who hasn't been seriously dating anyone since he's been here (tragic, I know lol). But we hooked him up with Jonathan's friend from english class (who he knew a little bit, so it wasn't a blind date haha) and we played putt putt golf and bowling and just hung out and talked. It was pretty fun. They both seem like they're in to each other, so hope everything works out! I'm just glad things went successfully because instead of our friend always hanging out with Jonathan, III WIILLLL get to hang out and spend more time with Jonathan! Which I've missed, oh so much!! :D
When we got home, it was close to midnight and I got a text from our RS president. I figured it'd be too late to text back. She wanted to know if I could babysit for a girl who is sick in the ward. Which is what I'm coming up to next. ...

She texted me at 8pm (and I had left my phone at home) so when Jonathan left for class on friday morning at 730, I texted her back. I almost didn't, but could feel the Spirit prompting me to text her just in case. I thought she might've found somebody by then, but I realized the only girl she could find was gonna babysit and then end up late for work. Even though I was super tired, I volunteered to babysit the girl's little girl from 930-11a. While getting ready all I could think of was Because I have been given much, I too must give. And the fact that we just had a Relief Society lesson on Service. But I was glad I texted back and was able to help. I've babysat before and the girl (I don't like calling her a lady or woman, it sounds too old for someone who lives in Rexburg with a 2 year old girl! lol) who is sick has hyperemesis - meaning she throws up a lot during pregnancy. Poor girl is so tiny and fragile! She can't even pick up her 2 year old or clean or vacuum because she is so weak. So it felt really good coming over and helping, even just for 2 hours. I'm glad I listened to the Spirit.

Later that day while I was thinking about it I thought of Sister Julie Beck and how her constant theme whenever she talks is about qualifying, seeking for, and acting upon personal revelation/and the Spirit. And it felt good/relieving to know that I was able to hear that prompting (even though I was somewhat tempted to ignore it) and then act upon it. I'm sure it wasn't super life changing in the eyes of the girl I helped, but it was for me. :)

Glad I got me some PR!

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