Saturday, March 19, 2011

Simmer down on Jimmer

Not that all my posts have been ooberly depressing lately or anything ;).. They weren't intended to be, but what else do you expect from an online journal? Right? Here's something new and refreshing. Hope you're not an intense Jimmer fan.. and try to forgive me if you are...

I know BYU basketball is doing great right now, performing miracles, and yadda yadda yadda. But one thing I can't stand is how everyone worships Jimmer Fredette. "You got Jimmered," "Fredette about it" and various other phrases with his name in it drive me crazy. I think his name alone drives me crazy. It's not Jim, it's not Jimmy... it's JIMMER.. Sounds like a type of car... like Hummer. Hmmm maybe that's what I'll name my next kid... NOT!

Anyway, I just think it's silly how almost every facebook status from a BYU fan, after a winning game, talks about Jimmer in it as if he's a solo player against 5 other opposing team members. It takes more than 1 person to make a team and Jimmer (gosh I hate saying his name lol) can't score without everybody else, yet he's the only person I hear about.

Oh wait, I heard about Brandon Davies.. if that counts............ not. 

Not to mention, Jonathan found out that out of all the team members who did, Jimmer was the only one who did NOT serve a mission. And someone commenting on the site we found it on said he could "probably do more missionary work, like Steve Young, by not serving a mission." What? With every slam dunk, somebody is baptized into the Church? I don't think so. I guess when the Prophet says to go serve a full time mission, he really doesn't mean it if you have a career ahead of you in the NBA. Yeah right.

So all you Jimmer lovers out there, sorry if I offended you. Continue on with your Jimmer fever. 

It didn't stop Justin Beiber fans.

{Maybe I'm just bitter cause I don't like basketball in general..}

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