Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Grandparent's Famous Norwegian Pancakes :)

So, in honor of my Grandpa, and in memory of his life, since today was the day he passed away, I decided to make my grandparent's famous Norwegian pancakes for breakfast. He always made them for us when we were little and came over. It's kind of odd because today I haven't felt as bad as the rest of the week (and I talked to my mom and neither has she) which is good. She said she handled it much better than expected and even got to hear on the phone, the priesthood blessing of release they gave to him before they let him go. I probably felt the worst on Wednesday when I heard that they were going to let him go this weekend and knowing I couldn't come down was heartbreaking. But I am all better now.

Even though we may suffer temporarily, he will never have to again.

Some people think that Norwegian pancakes are like crepes.. but they are not! ..these.. are cooler ;) 

2-3 eggs (I chose 3)
1/4 cup of sugar
1 tsp of salt
1-2 tbsp of vanilla (depending on how flavorful you want it - I just poured it in and didn't measure)
1-2 cups of milk (again I just poured)
1-2 cups of flour (same as above)

I actually didn't measure anything out this time. The recipe is a little tricky - you kinda just add flour and milk as you go to get it right. It shouldn't be too liquidy but also should not be lumpy. It should be the right consistency of liquidy and lumpy haha.. if that helps.(updated: It should be runny, but have clumps in it, if that makes sense). When I asked my mom for the recipe a while ago she said she always guesses. So that's what I did and they turned out fine. Just use a whisk and your brain and you should be fine.
Don't forget to spray the pan! And make sure your pan is pretty hot!

The way I make it is, first:  pour batter - I usually pour and turn the pan in a circular motion at the same time so the batter gets everywhere - although here I was taking a picture so I didn't capture the moment! They're not like traditional pancakes that just stick right when you pour it so they get bigger when you spread it.
I make sure to turn the pan so the extra batter goes everywhere - that way they're thin and crispy
When you start to see it get dry on top, flip it. You can keep flipping til you get it the way you like it. 
Either way, it should come out looking kind of like a tortilla. A soft yummy one with crispy edges.
What I like to do is butter it, add a bit of powdered sugar, and roll it up like a tube. Cut in the middle and enjoy! (Updated: also tastes good with fruit or jam!)
It may not be the healthiest breakfast, but it sure is nummy!!! And definitely a change from everyday flapjacks. 
They also taste good with jam or syrup or anything really. I sometimes eat it plain while I wait for the next one! 

Love you Grandpa! Thanks for the inspiration! We will always remember you!

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