Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kind of pathetic.. but I don't care! :P

So this morning at 10 Jonathan left to go to Carson City, Nevada on a Pinnacle Security selling blitz with a bunch of other guys on their team. He drove to Logan (so no car even if I were to do something) to carpool and then they're driving to NV to do alarm selling thurs-saturday and then a drive back Sunday. It's not that I'm completely needy or anything, but whenever there were long trips we always went together. I mean, I can't help that I love doing things with my husband. That's the way it should be. And right now it feels like he's just at a class, that he'll be back later, or after the gym. But it's probably gonna hit me when I go to sleep and I'm all alone still. I just hate being alone. And I miss him a lot. I know I get after him a lot for being so goofy, but I already miss it.

Confession: I do admit that last night I cried, and after he left this morning I cried again... read the Book of Mormon to cheer me up, then was so sleepy from reading and crying that I went back to sleep until 3pm!!! (this is the pathetic part lol) But I guess if it cuts the day shorter, than all the better. ;) Just kidding.. but I really need to go do something..

I know he's doing the right thing going out to sell and getting preseason sales so we can have some money. I'm so proud of him! He even sacrificed 3 days of school - 7 classes - to go do this so we can have more money in the bank.Which is the stinky part..cause we don't have very much right now so it's hard to keep myself busy doing things I love like crocheting or making blankets (haha, I sound so old.. oh well!) on a low budget. But I made a promise that this week I will get my Visiting Teaching done. This week isn't completely hopeless. A girl in the ward, whose husband left also, decided to have a girls night (on a Wednesday, pretty original ;)) and get milkshakes and she's treating. AND this Saturday we're getting treated to hear from ... YEUP... Sister Julie B. Beck, the General Relief Society President, at the BYU-I center for 2 hours! So I'm pretty excited for that.  And I may even ask to go with some friends to do a temple session, if the babe allows. So... all is not lost.

Anyway.. just wanted to broadcast my lonely-husband-less self on my blog.. 
Now go make fun of me. :P 

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