Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Some people.. oyyy

Oyoyoyyy, I know this is supposed to be a happy place for writing... but sometimes some people make me so mad I don't know how else to get rid of my tension then by at least writing it somewhere.

I have a [inactive or nonmember] cousin who just LOVES getting under my nerves. He's going into law school, so naturally he loves arguing..and picking me for his victim. It has kind of died down for a few months.. but every so often he pops in and decides to make fun of me some way or another. I've even tried telling him I don't like arguing and that I don't want to do it (especially on facebook, how childish!), but he persists and blames it on his career choice..and then the snobbish statements turn into rude, hurtful comments.

I don't purposely go to his site and find things wrong with him or see how stupid I can make him feel. And I know this is silly facebook drama, but still there is no reason for a FAMILY member to be saying such things anywhere. Fine, if you wanna talk about how poor I am and how young I was to get married and start MY DREAM of having a family, go ahead and talk about it BEHIND MY BACK so I don't know.

I was actually happy today to be accepted by medicaid so we COULD go to the doctor. I haven't been to one at all and I'm 17 weeks right now. (I know, not really awesome, but it's been tough this last year..and we couldn't really help it) and making an appointment for next week made me really happy to possibly be able to see what the gender of our beloved offspring is. But his stupid comment about having no shame or no pride by exploiting or "taking advantage" of medicaid/the government is ridiculous! We don't have any health insurance besides that so unless I have my child on the street I won't get it properly taken care of. Sorry I always pay my taxes and do what's right to help out every body else in this country, why should I be denied some of the benefits? I am a hard worker, but every one has gone through a bit of a rough patch some time in their life and has needed help. And we help out when we can. I just don't see why it's such a big deal to other people.

I just wish he would take his attitude toward me and shove it down the toilet, cause his opinion is neither requested nor required.

1 comment:

  1. On a good note. I had a lot of people stick up for me yesterday with much more valid points that actually blew him out of the water and he actually apologized. It was an awkward apology, seeming that he only did it for the reason that it made me "get emotional", instead of actually being sorry for the rude comments. But, when it comes to him, I'll take what I can get.

    My girl friends (and cousins!) did a great job though! They rock!!
