Thursday, January 20, 2011

100% Better!

I would just like to testify of the power of true forgiveness. For a while I had something on my mind that I just couldn't shake. I used the Atonement properly, prayed fervently..but still my conscience was being weighed down by my thoughts. I felt 95% forgiven, 95% free.
I talked to my bishop, last Sunday and since then I have felt so relieved. One thing he told me to do was to forgive myself and let go. I don't have to be burdened anymore. I just love the amazing power of Jesus Christ, of His ultimate gift of the Atonement and how it can totally take effect in our lives if we let it. I feel clean again, 100% forgiven. It's awesome. :)

Last night Jonathan and I were able to go to a temple session together. It was SO amazing to go back to the temple. We were about an hour or so away from one in Texas, but being right down the road from one in Rexburg is awesome. We plan to go at least once a week..and maybe hit up on the session in ASL. Either way, I feel really blessed to be able to go. I felt at peace and really happy. You could say my heart was "swollen with joy" :) if that better explains it.

I am just really happy to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We were at Temple Square at the visitor's center during Christmas break, and just seeing how wonderful and organized our church is put together, I thought to myself, "I love our church!" It takes care of its people and others, physically and spiritually. It's one of the greatest gifts I have been given.

Anyways, that's all!

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