Thursday, August 15, 2013

I Never Want To Forget

My Four Month Old

Sheesh, I felt like I just wrote a post about Elena being a 3 month old..and here we are, 4 months! Here are some things I never want to forget about my 4 Month Old.

I never want to forget

Birth Day 

That when our eyes glance first thing when we wake up..or at 2am.. she immediately beams with happiness. She is seriously one happy baby! She is such a good reminder to always, always be happy.

Her favorite thing to chew on are her fingers..or my fingers.. or her clothes haha.

She is sleeping fantastically well. Usually a good 3-4 hours during the day and then once she wakes up at 1 and falls back to sleep she sleeps for a long time, usually until noon, but sometimes longer.

Sometimes she thinks the things Lydia does is funny.

I never want to forget

One Month

How extremely ticklish she is. And I love her chubby baby laugh. It's my favorite.

How she knows exactly what a bottle is and the fatty inside her gets super upset when it's all gone haha. We call her Chanchita (like Chancho, from Nacho Libre ;) )

I love how her nose crinkles up and her eyes curve down when she smiles really big.

Her chubby baby rolls

I never want to forget

Two Months

Her poofy baby cheeks

How she kicks her feet so fast it looks like she's trying to run in the air.

How when I lean in to give her a kiss, thaaat's when she decides to burp (thankfully not barf) in my face. Ahem... we need to work on her manners...

Three Months

How the older she gets, the more of me I see in her.

Today, Four Months

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