Sunday, June 2, 2013

Things I Know (about my 23 m/o!)

Holy cow! Lydia's already 23 months. In just 31 days she will be A TWO YEAR OLD! .....weird....

I keep picturing her as a 12 year old or a teenager and wonder what I will look like then. That will be crazy. That's only 10 years away!! Oyyyy veeey. I need to stop thinking about that.. I already have enough bags under my eyes as it is ;).

Anyway, because our lovely little friend called Time doesn't stop for anyone, here are some Things I know about my almost 2 year old to help me remember.

I know

That she is obnoxiously obsessed with her favorite Disney princess Cinderella, even to the point that I can't even hum or sing parts of the songs to it around the house without her coming up to me begging to watch it (don't laugh, if you watched it every day you'd get them stuck too!). I'm not quite sure what exactly about it she absolutely adores, perhaps the cute birds and mice or the fact that they dance.. I'm not sure, but she can seriously watch that movie every. day.. and sometimes twice in one sitting (if I am immersed in hw and forget to turn it off...don't judge). She actually woke up right now and as I was putting her back to sleep she said, "Ah Lella watch" Iwanna watch Cinderella. hahahah GO TO SLEEP CHILD!........... we already watched it today!

Which brings up another thing. She has her verbs mixed up. She will say "Ah Lella watch" instead of I want to watch Cinderella. She'll say the same thing with Elmo "Ah Elmo watch." People, other than us, who listen to her have no idea what she is saying unless I'm there to translate. This rule also applies to places we go, like the park. "Ah park go" or "ah swing go"...

Speaking of her lovely pronunciation... my absolute favorite word to hear her say is her uncle's name, Uncle Alex. She canNOT pronounce Alex so she says AC-LET! Oh my goodness, it always makes me laugh. Say it out loud, I promise you will laugh. :) That is one word that I hope she will never learn to say correctly because I love hearing her say that wrong. Is that bad? ;)

I know
A good big sis...trying to calm her down :)

That ever since having Baby Sis, even though Lydia loves her so much, she is so emotional towards me and Jonathan. Extra emotional. Like, I'm afraid to see her as a teenager emotional because I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it! Seriously.. she cries at the most random things, like if she's sitting on the couch and her shoe falls off and I'm doing something and don't put it back on she starts full blown crying.. WITH TEARS! and...SHE can't pick it up, I have to pick it up. Or, another example. One day we were getting ready for Church and were in a rush for breakfast so I told Jonathan to give her a blueberry bagel and he handed it to her and she refused. So I asked for it back and I handed it to her and she took it and started eating it. SO GOOFY! :)

On that same note when she does whine and it is just a needy whine, I mimic her whines and actions back and it usually makes her start giggling. I think she knows she's being whiney.. and she's a master at doing things for negative attention. Good thing I'm a master at redirection. I seriously love the power in redirection.

She is such a sweetheart sometimes (when she wants to be). One time I was leaning over sideways on the recliner and it started to tip a little bit and then I caught myself before it fell completely over. She was in the kitchen and saw it happening and said, "Tareful Momma!" :) Made me smile because that was the first time she use the word, "careful" and it was sweet that she was worried for my safety.

On the other hand, there will be times when she flat out refuses to help me at all (I don't even bother asking for help from her when she watches Cinderella.. she's seriously in a trance lol). Like the other day I asked her to get Elena's blanket. She just stares at me or says "uh uh" and walks off. Nice.

I know
 I know this looks weird..because I'm bigger in the picture.. but as soon as I pull the camera out
she goes behind me so that she can see herself in the camera lol..

That while she likes to say yeah to a lot of things (and I mean that.. Jonathan has asked her if she likes drugs or beer before and she has said yeah lol oh dear), she does love that two letter word: NO! Sometimes I'll randomly say "Lydia... I love you" and she'll reply "No!"... as if she can tell me who I love! Stinker! Other times when I say that she'll say "uh uh."

Lately when you ask her a question she'll just stare at you and pull her head back into her neck making a double chin and won't say anything. Other times she'll push the air against her throat and make a little piggy snorting sound, as if that's her answer. Also, there will be times when I'll say "Where is Daddy?" and she'll reply "yeah." .....Her replies are the best.

I'm not quite sure how much she weighs because she hasn't been in for a check up in a while (probably will get one next month), but on our scale the last time I saw she was 27lbs. So close to 30 pounds! Haha, well on the positive side for being a smaller child, she doesn't outgrow things as fast.

That when she hears a knock on the door or people going down the stairs (that happen to sound like a knock, I guess?) her favorite thing to say is, "Com eeeeeiinnnnn!" ...Always so trusting ;)

haha a little mini interview I did with her the other day :)

I know that I truly love her little personality. She can be quite the spunky little girl sometimes, testing my patience and trying my heart, but I love her. I love the new things she learns and the new things she says.

I'm surprised every day at the beauty of my child.

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