Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Well, Lydia will be 13 months tomorrow. Crazy how fast time flies. I think I always say that, but it's always so true. I've been waiting to post another milestones post until I found out what her new height and weight were. We found out yesterday at her WIC appointment. ... I still have to make a doctor's appointment so she can get her 12 months shots.. but we've been so busy the month of July!


Weighs 18 1/2 pounds. Hooray! Finally caught up with our 7 month old friends  - ha!
28 inches. The lady at WIC said she was in the 9th percentile for her age going against 100 other babies. But when we looked at her chart by herself, she was progressing right on target. She was following the graph exactly where she's supposed to be, so I'm not too worried.

She walks around the house A LOT. She is still wobbly (and ran face first into the wall once! haha), but for the most part she cruises around if she has something in mind to get. She took her first steps (technically July 12 because it was after midnight) but we hadn't gone to sleep yet, so I still say it's the 11th. While family was in town we encouraged her to walk a lot, so she got progressively better at it. I'm so proud of her.

She also can get up into standing position from where she is without holding on to anything and she can get into squatting position to pick things up. For being so skinny, it's funny to see her walk around. As I'm typing this, she actually just walked across the whole room. It's so funny to have a little person walking around the house.

She is getting better at drinking her milk/sippy.

She has 8 teeth. Her 4th one on the bottom finally popped through last month in June (I forgot it's August already!).

She can suck things through a straw pretty darn well! You can thank those capri-sun juices for that.

We took her to the soccer fields on campus and kicked the ball around. She loves trying to kick it. She's also good at throwing her little ball, as well as rolling the ball to me in my direction. Her hand-eye coordination is pretty good!

She can say Mama and Dada...and lately she's been saying "lala" and "baba" hahaha not sure what THOSE mean, but it's fun to hear her sing songs going "lala la la lala laaa" :)

She can click her tongue.

Lately she has been sleeping through the night. Thanks to my sister Mari for telling me to cut out one of her naps. She only takes one a day, and by the end of the night she is soo ready to sleep. It's actually really lovely.

She LOVES books. She will actually bring books to me and shove it in my face. And then make me read it to her again and again. I can say with confidence that I know the first 7 pages of Bears on Wheels by memory.

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