Sunday, August 5, 2012

I Believe...

(This is part of my I Believe series I do every first Sunday of the month. Here's July's)

I know that the power of the Atonement is real. I know modern medicine works and am really grateful for it, but I know the Priesthood Power of the Atonement works even better. I was having a hard time last night with my shoulder/neck pain and asked Jonathan for a priesthood blessing of healing. In it he reminded me that the Savior descended below us all, and that He has suffered many more things that we can even imagine. It reminded me that this trial is but for a small moment. I know that the Savior gets me through all things. He understands my needs and wants and desires my happiness. My pain subsided within 5 minutes and I was able to relax.

I know it's a lame excuse, but often it's hard for me to have really deep personal prayers with Heavenly Father on a daily basis, since I've had Lydia. I pray with her, but her attention span lasts only so long so our prayers are rather short and put in baby terms. When she wakes up I wake, and my whole day is basically revolved around her and it is so easy to get caught up in the things that don't matter and the things of the world. But I do testify that the best way to know our Heavenly Father is to pray to Him, sincerely and earnestly. That moment last night reminded me of when I was sick like this 3 years ago. I remember praying so hard in my car asking for relief of my pain and for forgiveness for the mistakes I made and the laziness and "easiness of the way" - knowing the things I needed to do and lacking to do it. I prayed urgently and sincerely and with a promise to do better. I remember instantly after my prayer my pain was taken away. It was an immediate answer. My pain didn't go away permanently, but for that moment I knew He was listening. He always is.

I know I am a child of God. I am a 22 year old child of God! I know He hears my prayers. I testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. I know that we are of enough worth to Him that He suffered and died for us individually.  

We are not insignificant to the Lord.

I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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