Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hola, Married Life!

Weeeelllll... it's been about 2 weeks since I've been married. Only 2 weeks? It seems longer. Every day seems to go by fast, and then you look next, and it's the end of the week. It's been really fun. An adventure every day, and something to learn. Since I'm so behind, I guess I'll start with the wedding day.

Wedding day: Well, I can honestly say the day before the wedding was the most hectic and stressful. The wedding day I got up, showered and was ready by 730 to get my hair (and makeup..err.. wasn't exactly pleased with blue makeup haha..) done. We did that for 2 hours and ended up showing late to the temple.. *note, the temple is an hour away*. We were supposed to be there at 11 and we got there at 1130, just barely enough time to get us dressed and ready. The sealing was wonderful. The sealer gave Jonathan his patriarchal blessing back in the day, so that was neat. :) I'm so happy to be married to Jonathan, mi amor! :D

After that we took pictures for about an hour and a half (or so it seemed) outside in the hot hot sun. Jonathan was dripping, poor thing. I was pretty hot too, being in that heavy dress. But the pictures look good to me.. so that's all that matters. It was kinda funny cause we forgot my bouquet at the church (from bringing it the day before) and so we used all the boutineer flowers that I made for all the boys as my bouquet. haha.. that's why it's so small in the pics. But it was fine I think.

Then we headed to the Clear Lake Chapel for our reception. It was totally awesome. All the decorations were hand made by his mom, including the napkins, which we folded fan-like, to make it look like a shell. And we had a DJ and his lights were awesome with the music and everything was just beautiful. Wonderful food and wonderful decorations. I wish all of my Alaskan friends could have made to the reception down here. We played this snake dancing game. Me and Jonathan stand on a chair a few feet a part with our hands clasped together and people holding us and they play music and first all the girls hold hands and they run through the chairs and around other tables over and over, like a snake. And then it's the boys' turn lol. And they tried soo hard to knock Jonathan over. It was funny. I've never seen that before, but it was cool. Then we did the traditional bouquet and garder toss. And even Jonathan's dad sang us a song, with a sombrero on! It was way cool. :) We also did a bride and groom's waltz - at first I dance with Jonathan, then I dance with my dad and him with his mom. Then any boy who wants to dance with me dances (or waltz's haha) and the same for the girls with Jonathan. Then we did toasts. Alex gave a toast to Jonathan and Mari to me. :) And we also had our slideshow playing for people. After all that fun, the DJ played some mexican music and we boogied for a few hours. Then me and Jonathan headed off to our hotel at like 1045. It was sooo fun though. I was totally pleased with our reception. Awesome day. :)

Then Sunday morning My parents and Mari stopped by the hotel to say goodbye to me and Jonathan. I miss my family a whole lot. I love them. I hope they will continue to love each other and be good to each other, and be good examples of the gospel to each other because they all need each other's help.

Haha, AND we also went to church that same Sunday; we were sooo tired haha. Jonathan got the calling as branch mission leader, so he's heading the elders up on that. I also have a calling. I'm the Kemah branch young women's representative. The primary and young men's/women's are combined with League City ward since the branch is so small, so I'm kinda gonna be a little rep for the branch president - Jon's dad, for the young women. I'm really excited, they seem like nice girls.

I'm not gonna lie, sometimes being in a spanish branch is difficult. Okay.. a lot of it kind of is, since I'm not fluent in spanish. I'm working on it though. And they are nice people, and they know english, it's just easier for them to understand the gospel in spanish. But I'm slowly learning. This last Sunday I went to relief society.. and we learned about 'if ye are prepared ye shall not fear'. And Jonathan gave the lesson in gospel principles, in which one of the elders translated for me. Haha.. The hardest for me is just sacrament meeting. Cause everyone speaks so fast and I don't know what's going on. Good thing I took a spanish class in high school so I know some words, right? :)

Well, our apartment looks reeeally nice. And we gots tons of nice gifts from everybody. And the gift cards from Alaska are soo appreciated! For reals! We got a lot of things we didn't get from the wedding and groceries with our gift cards. So it's been real nice. What's been on the list for the last 2 weeks has been jobs. That's been kinda hard for us, but we're still working on it. It's just difficult with no car, and getting a car is difficult with no job! Haha.. But his parents have been so helpful and awesome.

Well, I can't think of much else to say. I appreciate your thoughts and your prayers for us! We need it as we continue our job search. I love and miss everyone in Alaska! I can't wait to see you all again. :) Anna Hernandez

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