Monday, June 18, 2012

The Miracle Pill & Falling Asleep in the Shower

I would just have to advocate for teething tablets! I call them the miracle pill for Baby. I can usually never tell when she's teething, besides a bad night's sleep. And last night was pretty bad. 

But let me back up, yesterday was a pretty full day. We had lots going on and when we finally came home I decided to crash. Unfortunately, ever since having a baby I'm always catching up on sleep, so no matter how much I get, I'm always tired. Jonathan ended up waking me from my slumber to skype a bit with his family around 10, which lasted about 3 minutes for me haha. I was still really tired but I put Lydia to bed and then around 11 Jonathan was heading to bed. I wanted to climb back in too but I had to finish his father's day gift. I thought I was going to get to go (back) to sleep before midnight, for once, but it took longer than expected to finish up. And then I was wide awake. Drat.

Lydia actually woke up around 1 to eat, so I fed her and put her back down and finished up completely. I then laid in bed for an hour and a half. I still could not go back to sleep. I finally doze off around 230/3 and was awoken by Baby crying at 4:45. I fed her and she bit me. I said ow really loud because it hurt and woke me up. She started fussing (she is kind of a sensitive baby when it comes to hurting other peoples' feelings), so I switched her to the other side hoping she'd fall back asleep so I could put her in her crib and sleep in til 9 before I got up for church. So while I'm half asleep, relaxed, she bit me again! This time I said ow loudly and flicked her mouth! That got her really going, but I hate being bitten. It makes me so nervous to nurse for future feedings. She was screaming and there was no way I was going to nurse her again to get her to calm down. So, here we were, all awake by 6am this morning. Lovely.

Baby was really fussy, and kind of drooly, so I put 2 and 2 together and gave her some teething tablets. They worked like a charm. She was already getting pretty sleepy come 8 o' clock but she needed a bath badly before church. So I had her take a shower with me.

and then.. she fell...asleep. 

in the shower. Ha!

Talk about tired. She just kinda layed on my shoulder and I finished rinsing her and we got out. As if maneuvering out of the shower with a baby awake is hard enough, try keeping one asleep! But, I successfully put a diaper and and diaper cover on and ALMOST got her dress on, when she woke up right as I was trying to get it over her face and freaked out. It was still the cutest thing ever. She easily went back to sleep after she was dressed. That's what you get, sleepy head, when you wake up at 5! Unfortunately for me, I didn't get to take a nap until 7PM!

After our friends left from dinner, Baby started getting reeeeally cranky. And I mean really cranky. I would feed her and then go to put her down by Jonathan and she'd start bawling! With tears and everything. So, I gave her some more tablets and then called my dad and within 10 minutes she was a super happy baby, talking away in her precious baby gibberish. Those tablets are amazing. 

Anyway, sorry for the long story, but I wanted a reason to put up the pictures! She never ceases to amaze me!

Hope we have a tooth soon! That'll make 8!

1 comment:

  1. i am afriad to nurse when adrianna tooth finally peaks out!! i dont know what im gonna do or how to react! but im glad you say teething tablets work awesome!!
