Monday, June 11, 2012

Braided Garlic Spaghetti Bread...AKA.. Divine

Okay, so I've had a few people ask me for this recipe, and no wonder, because it's divine! I actually found it off Pinterest (go figure!) and I've made it at least 3 times. It's so good.. and fairly easy, if you plan and prepare it just right. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully..otherwise you'll get a big spaghetti mess. Still tastes good.. just isn't as pretty. :)

Braided Spaghetti Bread

Source: Stephanie from Rhodes Bake N Serve Blog
(side note - the source does have a lot of pictures to follow, if that makes it easier. And mine has never turned out quite as pretty as hers does, but oh well! Don't dismay if it doesn't turn out exactly like that. The outcome is always the same - delicious!)


1 Loaf Rhodes Bread Dough OR 12 Rhodes Dinner Rolls, thawed to room temperature. It takes about 2-3 hours to thaw (Make sure you only THAW it, not let it rise... made that mistake the first time - it doesn't stretch as well.)
6 oz spaghetti, cooked 
1 cup thick spaghetti sauce (I just make regular spaghetti - with hamburger meat. Prepare it however you like)
8 oz mozzarella cheese, cut into 1/2 –inch cubes 
1 egg white 
Parmesan cheese
Parsley flakes
Garlic salt (makes it taste like spaghetti stuffed in garlic bread. How can you go wrong?)

1. Spray counter top with non-stick cooking spray or use parchment/wax paper. Take thawed loaf/rolls and using a rolling pin roll it into a 12X16inch rectangle on the greased area/parchment site. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rest for 10-15 minutes.

2. While it is resting, cook your spaghetti noodles according to package instructions. Drain and let cool slightly.

3. Make your spaghetti, or just use the 1 cup of sauce - however you'd like it. (I've found that I when I make regular spaghetti I always end up making a lot more than can actually fit inside the bread, so I always have leftovers. It also makes it easier if you combine the noodles with the sauce/meat before you add it to the dough. When not combined, my sauce was really runny yesterday and ended up making my dough a tad soggy making it harder to transfer to the baking dish. Oops!)

4. Remove the wrap from the dough and place your spaghetti sauce/noodles combination about 4 inches lengthwise down the center of the dough. Top it with the mozzarella cheese cubs. 

5. I used a pizza cutter to cut the dough slices. Make the cuts 1 1/2 inches apart and within 1/2 inch to the filling.

6. Begin braiding by folding the top and bottom strips toward the filling. Then, braid left over right, right over left and tuck the last strip under the dough braid. (Or, just cover it as best as you can! Notice how my braided picture doesn't look much like the source's picture.)

7. Transfer to a greased baking dish or cookie sheet. 

And be careful so it doesn't end up like this! Haha click the link!

8. Brush braided dough with the egg white. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese, parsley flakes, and some garlic salt. 

9. Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes. 

10. Serve and enjoy! 

Happy Braiding!!

PS: So.. I just had an ah-ha moment! (Don't judge.) As I was sitting here comparing my recipe to the original's, I believe I have found out why mine doesn't turn out like how it's supposed to. I place my spaghetti on the dough up and down (height-wise) instead of left to right (lengthwise) and so my strips end up usually longer and skinnier and harder to braid and the more spaghetti you add, the less it covers. Now, I believe if placed the other way (as intended to by the directions AND PICTURES! forcryingoutloud - if only I could read directions..sigh..) it should turn out normal. Gonna have to try it the right way the 4th time around and maybe, I'll have it perfected. 

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