Friday, May 11, 2012

Things I Know...

So, today's post is kind of inspired by someone else, who was inspired by this blog post. So, I guess you could say I was inspired by both of them. The original post, Missing More Than Life, has got me thinking a lot. I only have a 10 month old right now, but I feel she has such a personality, and grows so quickly, that if I don't watch out, she'll be out the door before I know it, thinking about her own future kids.

 So, like the post, I have been thinking about all the things that I know about my daughter, Lydia, and want to remember about her at this age.

I know..

That lately she likes sleeping on her blankets, instead of under them.

She doesn't like getting her diaper changed - so much so that she WON'T whine for me to come change her, even if she's poopy and really stinky.  Heck, she'll even fall asleep in a dirty diaper.

That instead of signing "more" like she used to, she says "muh," and I know exactly what she means.

That she is totally intrigued with the lazy cat that spends its days lurking around our parking-lot.

She is a girl fascinated with other babies and children.

She loves holding her dandelion flower I pick for her each time we go on a walk and holds on to the stem gently the entire time.

She likes swinging on swings.
I know..

That she is a tough girl, even though she may bang her head or fall from standing...a lot

She will get instantly hungry if she sees you eating anything.... and she most certainly wants a bite!

She knows who her Mommy and Daddy are and today reacted in fright to a stranger.

She loves balloons.. and barks at them when we see them at the store.

She knows how to wave and sign "milk" and "thank you".

That she likes to sit up or stand, and rarely likes laying horizontally in your arms to cradle her. 

That if I react to her "bark" that she does purposely to see what I do, she starts giggling instantly and it makes my heart happy
I know..

She likes looking at books and is actually very careful with the pages and likes being read to.

She definitely understands a lot of phrases, such as "time to go ni-night" and "spit it out - yuckies".

She is definitely a girly girl and likes anything shiny, pretty, or flashy.

Even though you think you've stuffed her to the max, she'll never give up an offering of Mama's milk.

She enjoys music and will dance (sometimes on command!) and it is all I can do to stop myself from laughing at her while she head-bangs to classical music.

She likes playing peek-a-boo and can do it herself with her blanket.

She likes pulling her socks off, and sucking on them. Not sure why, but I guess it's 'cause they probably taste like her toes.

We got these darling shoes for her today... and 2 other pairs. Yes, I was indulging myself vicariously through her.  :) She hasn't taken those first precious steps yet, but she scales the furniture and gets around quite quickly. I can't believe she'll be 1 year old in July - 2 months away.

 My little baby will be a 1 year old. :-/

As I read Missing More Than Life, I felt that, even though I don't spend too much time with technology (only watching a movie now and then, and getting on the computer while she is asleep or occupied with toys), I could be much better at ignoring the things that take up so much time in my life and start doing the important things - like writing in my journal about sacred moments I have with my daughter, or working on her scrapbook. This post has changed me, and I thank the girl for writing it. Every time I am online and not spending time with Lydia, I am instantly reminded that I want to be able to say I know my baby, even if she isn't even a year old yet or can't speak back to me. I want to be able to establish this habit of getting to know, personally, all my children, before it is too late.

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