Monday, May 28, 2012

Jonathan, Anna, Lydia

So, there have been some exciting things going on in the lives of the Hernandez family. We are definitely enjoying all that summer is offering - sun, rain, and yes, even the wind.. sometimes. I grew up in Alaska (where people think all I do is freeze) and so most think I'd enjoy not being in the cold all the time and like soaking up the sun (since obviously we didn't have one up there haha ;) ) but I am not very good at staying hot for long. I don't enjoy freezing but I also don't mind the sun and the heat if there's a cool breeze (which is why I melted like popsicle in Texas) and lately Rexburg has delivered. We just got done having 2-3 pouring, rainy, dreary days, and today the sun came out and it was really nice for our BBQ that we had with some friends to celebrate Memorial Day and the all the lives that sacrificed for us and were lost, or still fight. It was nice. I'm glad the weather was good for this occasion.

But anyway, here is what is going on in our lives..

Jonathan: He's getting good grades in school and loves working at the testing center. He even drew a poster that will hopefully be able to be put up (it has to go through school procedures for posters or something like that) that will show students the hours of the testing center. It's got a comic drawing of a boy looking through the door window waving his hand (because some kids come to take their tests right as it's closing) and it says "Don't be left out" with the testing hours. I think his boss liked it so hopefully they approve and can post it around campus. Also, last week we got a call saying we have an interview with the Stake President. We were so nervous that it would be a really important calling (callings are unpaid roles individuals are called to do in the congregation- it varies quite a lot - from Bishops to Sunday school teachers to librarians ) for the both of us and weren't sure if we were the people for the task (not even knowing what it would be). Sunday morning we went in and Jonathan got called to be the Elder's Quorum 1st Counselor for our ward. He was pretty shocked because he didn't know the President much at all who chose him to be his counselor. So, Sunday he got called and I got to sit in and listen to him get set apart. I'm so proud of my husband and know that he will do great in his calling and responsibility. Our little mantra for the past week has been, "The Lord calls us in our weakness and then qualifies us for the work." - (off of Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration)

Anna: I've been having a good time with Lydia at home. I love watching her grow. However, sometimes it's hard for me to get out and hit the gym, but I have decided that I really need to buckle down and eat healthier. I heard once that "if you want to lose weight, eat healthy. If you want to keep the weight off, exercise." So, I'm trying my best to resist temptations like soda and junk food. And starting this week I'm gonna take Baby out more. So far so good. It's been easy not eating bad lately..but we'll see how good I am later on with the "New Leaf" - what my husband calls it (you're starting over with your exercise/diet program and you turn over a new leaf haha.. so that's what that means). I'm actually really excited and got some new clothes that were a bit smaller on me for motivation. That sure is good motivation! .. I don't feel I'm super overweight.. but I do really want to get rid of my pregnancy pudge! It's no bueno!
Also, the last few weeks I was able to complete my Visiting Teaching with my partner (that's where each lady in our ward is assigned a partner, who is assigned 2-3 people to go and visit each month, checking up on them and bringing a message about the Gospel to their homes. Then, we report back to the Relief Society presidency letting them know what each sister needs, so that nobody gets left behind and everyone is taken care of. It's really nice, especially when someone has a baby, or needs dinner.) I have a special place in my heart for Visiting Teaching. Some 15-30 minute thing like visiting someone has the power to change lives. I was also asked to give a dinner to a new mom. At first I wondered why I was asked, when I hadn't even signed up. But as I was making the food, I decided to make a card with some suckers attached and a sweet note, and felt that it would be a nice treat. When I delivered it to them I felt so happy I did and that I didn't have a bad attitude about it. Service is so much better with a smile.

Lydia: She will be 11 months in 5 days. Holy cow. She just gets bigger and bigger. And smarter. I mentioned before on facebook that she learned to fold her arms for prayer. That really touched my heart the night we saw her do that, especially because when we would previously do the routine (which consists of pj's, brushing teeth, scripture stories, primary songs, prayer, kiss goodnight, a feeding and then bed) she would refuse to fold her arms and we weren't sure if she would get it for a while (at least not for months to come). But I was dedicated and continued to do it each night during her bedtime routine. We were both amazed when after saying "prayer time, fold your arms" she actually did it! It let me know that children do know what you say to them, even at a young age. It taught me not to give up and to be consistent (which is also a good lesson for future principles).Well, along with the blessings of her bedtime works putting her down, but for some reason she is waking up again every 4-5 hours or so. Not sure why or what happened.. but I guess she might be hungry. Maybe I need to feed her more at night before bed. But it's making me tired again. And I feel bad letting her cry/whine when she wakes up so I get her. On that note, Lydia does eat a TON. She'll eat anything and everything you give her. I'm so blessed with a good eater. She also knows how to stand up and scale furniture. It won't be long before she can walk around. Jonathan keeps asking her.."When are you gonna walk?! When are you gonna talk?!" Haha. I always remind him to cherish the time now when she can't, because before long she'll be talking and walking all over the place! And we won't be able to keep up! :) She really is a good girl, though. She hands me the yuckies she puts in her mouth (so I don't have to dig them out! YES!), and shares with me her toys. She has enough love to forgive me, even when I accidentally zip up her skin with her jacket zipper. And her giggle has the power to melt my heart. I'm so lucky!

Well, that's about it in the lives of us! Hope you all have a memorable Memorial Day!

What are we doing out here, guys??

Anthony, Jared, and Jonathan making sure everything's all set for the BBQ

Goofy Mexicans! ;) just keeeeeddding

Kim (Anthony's gf), holding little Henry, and Lydia

Whitney and Jared, and the fly-away plate. Wow! I suck at taking pictures.. sorry!

This was after.. I decided to take some pics of Tiki and her  patriotic dress.
She'd like to say thank you to all the troops for all they do/have done. :)

I love this goofy girl!!! 

Love her! <3

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