Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nothin' But Blue Skies

I took Lydia to the park for about an hour or so today. She swung on the swings, but there were a lot of kids so we decided to take play time to the grass. She was kind of tired before we left, so while on the swings she was pretty happy (and distracted by all the kids), and on the grass she just contently played with her dandelion until it was no longer a flower. By the end she was ready to go home and take a nap. But we enjoyed the sun, breeze, and blue skies.

I can't get enough of my baby, who seems to be growing up before my eyes,
 faster than the dandelion in her hand.

My one good smile I got out of her. The rest of the time she was too tired to care

I love how her lower lip falls out when she looks down :)

"Pleeeease smile for mommy..." "..this is all you're getting"

She HAD smiled but for being so shutter happy, I wasn't fast enough and this was all I got.
She looks like she's so much smarter than me. Probably is.

time to relax

She hated having my shades on her..

But I was lucky to get one shot before she tore them off.

"Here mom, I'll share the stem with you." :)

I love precious baby feet!

I put her on the grass and she did not like that..

She likes taking the flower and rubbing it down her face lol

Not sure what she was saying to it. Love her imagination :)

You would think she was about to eat it..but notice the flower parts on her forehead.
She's rubbing it down her face again lol

I love these grass shots

I love this one.. it's the very idea of childhood.

My favorite shot..ever..

I moved the flower over so she'd have to crawl to get it. Heheh

One word..: vampire

"Here ya go mom, I'm done!"

"Gosh..could taking a bazillion pictures of me be any more boring?"

"I'm done with the park mom, can we go..?"


  1. Love all the pictures. I have one question. Am I the only mom who has children that eat anything and everything that they get their hands on??? I would LOVE to know how you kept her from eating that flower :)?

    1. I'm not sure why she doesn't eat it. The first few times she would try (maybe it tastes nasty?) but ever since then she just holds it and plays (more like destroys haha) with it. I don't do anything but sit there and watch :)
