Sunday, April 15, 2012

Boost your metabolism to boost your self-esteem

Sigh.. do you ever feel that you don't look the way you wish you did in pictures? That happens to me all the time (At least after having Lydia)! I guess it's to be expected after a pregnancy, but I wish I could just make all this baby fat disappear like so many of my friends have easily done - at least the ones who have been really thin all their lives.

Well, me and and Jonathan are fans of the tv series, the Biggest Loser, and we both admire Jillian Michaels and her intense workouts and training (yet I'd never desire to be her victims, I mean trainee, on the show hehe)... so we ended up getting a DVD pack with two training discs. I love them! They're pretty hard.. I mean, the first day I could barely get through the workout.. Baby was being kinda grumpy, and I was practically kinda out of breath, so I ended up watching the rest of it to see what she incorporates in it (that's dedication for ya! haha). Now that it's been a week or so I'm getting better at getting the moves down. Here is what I use:

A good cardio workout to help boost metabolism


Which aims to help get rid of love handles, muffin tops, and wobbly arms.. plus giving you some nice abs! (which I'm still waiting on.. ha! I definitely need to be more consistent - it's just so hard when the in-laws are in town and they make yummy Mexican dishes!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm)

Even though I haven't seen DRASTIC results just yet, I do notice my legs toning up quite a bit and a little bit more muscle in my arms. They're not as strong as they were when I was working out at planet fitness constantly, but they're getting there. She makes you do a lot of lunges and squats. This second one is a bit more hardcore than the top one.. I found myself not being able to see because sweat was dripping so much off my forehead that I had to wipe my eyes in between each rep. Haha yep! I like it, although it's kinda tough on my knees. So I think I'm going to alternate videos to give my poor rodillas a break!

Anyway, the point of all this is.. I was thinking about it.. and I feel so much more important about myself and about life when I work out than when I don't. I even ventured to buy new clothes, and a smaller size of jeans to motivate me to work out more so I can wear it. I feel like a lazy blob, and more inclined to eat bad, when I don't exercise than when I do. And what I like about these is while she is intense, she's also smart. At the end of each video she gives you encouraging advice to go about your day, reminding you not to just eat garbage that will negate what you just worked so hard for. It helps me be more cautious about what I'm going to eat. I've made a little secret promise to get in real good shape before either a) Jonathan's bday 6/24, b) Baby's birthday 7/2, or c) our anniversary 7/24. Haha, so I'm hoping to be pretty strict and committed. I've done it once, I can do it again. I'm determined to start looking and feeling good great!

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