Thursday, January 12, 2012

Goals for 2012

Goals for 2012
  •         Say morning and evening prayers
  •         Read scriptures daily
  •         Get and Read the Ensign monthly
  •          Hold Family Home Evenings weekly
  •          Attend the temple more often (multiple times a month)
  •          Eat healthier – all year round not just now – add more fruits and vegetables to my diet
  •          Learn how to cook (healthy meals) – try to make dinners every night. Bake new deserts as well
  •          Make more traditions with the family
  •          Write letters to friends and family. Write in my journal more
  •          Help out with the bills – draw more, learn to crochet new items
  •          Be nicer to those I love and those I don’t love – do 1(or more) thing each day for someone
  •          Do 5 Random Acts of Kindness a month
  •          Lose at least 15 or more lbs this year, hopefully by July (work out as much as I am able)
  •          Read at least 25 books
  •          Volunteer more at church, speak up more to answer questions as well as read scriptures
  •          Be more crafty around the house and get more into the holidays (as money allows)
There, it's official for the cyber world to see.. maybe I'll keep up with them. I'll probably be lucky if I get to half of them. Hopefully, the more important of the bunch.

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