Thursday, January 12, 2012

Finally... goodbye to 2011

I realize I’m a little late, which is due to the fact that we have no interent at our new apartment here in Rexburg. No free interent, that is. None to steal.. Oops did I just type that? I guess we have to finally grow up and buy our own internet. Darn haha. Right now we're at the library! Woohoo..
ANYWAYS.. 2011.. In a nutshell. Well, I can already guarantee that this isn’t going to be a “nutshell.” Where do I begin? 

I guess I could begin last January. We had just made the long drive from Texas to Colorado for Christmas and then on to Rexburg afterward. We had a nice apartment waiting for us, made a lot of friends in the ward as well as played with our old ones and overall liked being in Idaho. As we were still learning things about each other, we made a lot of mistakes our first year together. Unfortunately they were hurtful things towards each other and hurtful to our marriage. We realize these mistakes and I guess that’s why I can go forward with faith and say that this year of 2012 is going to be totally 100% better and different than last year. We know that with anything, change comes and we can stick it out and do much better. We are going to focus so much more on each other instead of our friends. We’re going to stay put, save, and collect furniture! Our home will actually be a home, instead of any empty apartment with people living in it. So excited. 

Last February, we got to find out the gender of our little offspring - that we were going to expect a little girl in our lives. Oh how that has changed my life forever. I’m not the type of person to hide the good things in our life to people. I didn’t mind others knowing that I was pregnant as soon as I found out, I didn’t mind telling people we were having a girl, or that her name was going be Lydia in fear that someone would steal that name. But I do know next time around (haha don’t worry this isn’t a confession post, no babies on the way any time soon) I will probably keep family things more private. At least for a little while so that we can enjoy the excitement. That February was extremely special to me. Of course I would have loved a boy as much as I love Lydia now, it’s kinda hard to not love something you made, but knowing I was going to have a girl first made me so happy. I have always dreamt of having a little girl to make cookies with, play dress up together and share secrets. Someone who could be my best friend, and someone that can help pull out the little child in me. So far, I love having Lydia so much – as you can probably tell in all my previous posts. I play with her as much as I can. I love seeing a smile on her face. It totally makes my day. You have no idea. 

March of 2011 was a hard one. My Grandfather was in the hospital. His cancer was acting up again, but this time for the worse. Me and Jonathan made the trip down and got to see him, alive and awake. We spoke to him even though his oxygen mask prevented any communication on his part. The next time I saw my grandpa was in his coffin. I was glad I could make it to his funeral though. It was a great service. Grandpa makes everyone want to be a better person. He was a spiritual giant, one who loved and always gave. He loved his wife so much. Grandpa, you left a spectacular legacy. Miss you!

April, my birthday month! And General Conference. And packing up like crazy to leave Idaho for Nebraska to work for Pinnacle Security. And trying to sell our super long lease. And almost missing our $600 tax return check! So many things seemed to happen last April. We had decided to work for Pinnacle Security to sell alarm systems during the summer. What had seemed like a good decision pretty much turned into a nightmare. Okay. It wasn’t that bad. But it wasn’t the funnest experience ever. Here I had 2 ½ months left in my pregnancy, living in a (sometimes smoke-filled hotel room) when hubby was out trying to make a living. We know now that we’re never going to accept a commission job ever again. Jonathan definitely isn’t a salesman. He’s too nice... and honest haha. But, despite people giving us the heads up about taking a job like that and moving across the states, I guess you have to make a few mistakes to know what you do and don’t want in life. 

May. Actually, while living in Nebraska I got to be friends with some great people. Jonathan’s missionary companion Paul, and his wife, Mandy, soon became close buddies with us. I can’t even begin to express how grateful we are for all the times they showed compassion to us. Mandy would drive me to the store, do laundry runs, to the doctor’s office, around downtown, and even to the zoo. They would take us out and pay for food when we’d make our midnight trips to the local T-Bell. Mandy got to be one of my best buddies while our hubbies were out selling. I feel blessed to know her. She also has a really addictive blog. Heheh.
We also got to experience an almost tornado while driving OUT of Nebraska to get to Colorado. I swear, I am never returning to that humid, muggy tornado state. I’d rather spend a whole month in -30 weather in Alaska than have to experience the kind of panic we did while wondering if we’d get stuck in tornado, especially after what happened in Joplin, MO earlier in the year. Talk about frightening for me. I also really have to thank Paul for letting us stay at his parent’s house in CO, as well as driving up to Alaska with Jonathan. There was no way we could afford that ourselves, let alone even help out to pay, so we are indeed indebted to you guys. Thank you Paul and Mandy!

June was filled with a reunion with my family. It was so unexpected, but gratefully appreciated. Not having anywhere to live at the time, I flew up to Alaska and got to stay with my family. I was blessed to get on health insurance in Alaska, really fast. I was blessed by Sister Garner that threw a baby shower pretty last minute for Lydia, in which I got everything that I really needed. I felt she couldn’t come until I had the important things. And once I got them, she came. It was like she knew mom needed to be prepared. Another thing I loved about being in Alaska was that I got to hang out with my sister in law, Jamie, a lot more. I can’t even list off the many gifts and things she has given to me/Lydia to help us out. I only wish that I could be close to her when she has kids to repay the kindness she had shown to me and my budding little family. Thank you Jamie!

July.. where do I even start with this month? The very beginning was filled with excitement. I finally got to hold my bundle of joy, something I had wanted for a very long time, even long before I will even admit to most people. Lydia was born to me on July 2nd (which also shares an anniversary with Chelsea and Byran!). She was 6lbs 15oz and 19 ½ inches long. But you can read more about her delivery story here. I was so blessed with a great labor and delivery. Being a mom was really hard at first, I mean with recovery and learning how to nurse right, but I definitely wanted to nurse her. No matter how much tears were shed on my part. It seemed like the months from July to now seem to fly by once we got Lydia in our lives. I don’t know what it is, but it’s like she ate magic beans that make her seem to grow super-fast. I want my tiny baby back! Lol. Me and Jonathan also got to share our first anniversary together! Crazy how fast a year flies by! We didn’t save our cake topper or anything, ‘cause we didn’t care about it. Actually, I’m pretty sure we threw it away within the first month being married, in Texas lol oops. But we did go out to a really good Chinese restaurant, Pagoda, in North Pole, and then came home and watched a movie. It was short and sweet, but I didn’t care ‘cause I had my family and my hunny.

August. We had .. the state fair? And the kids went back to school, so I got more rest. I’m not sure what else to write about this month. I remember trying to enjoy the last of summer days, taking baby on walks. Being a new mother was still kind of tiring, so I was still trying to get into the swing of things. I also had a primary class to upkeep. I love my primary kids. I sometimes miss being in the primary. I love all of their songs. I love the truths taught in the songs. When the primary children would sing, it almost felt like I could hear Heaven’s angels singing. They are so spiritually inspired. I’m sure the angels in heaven sing them. I love primary. I wouldn’t mind having another primary calling this year. :)

September seemed like all I did was focus on the primary. We had the primary program, dedicated to Joseph Smith. We also had the Relief Society broadcast. And I got to see a few friends from the branch who are all married now. It’s so neat to see how far we’ve all progressed. Jonathan switched jobs from Safeway to Walmart, making more, but eventually had to work on Sundays. After that experience, we know not to accept jobs that will make you work on Sunday. The money is just not worth a decrease in testimony. Our relationship was different. It was harder to keep the daily things in our life that usually brought us closer to God. I’m thankful for that though, ‘cause now we both know what we will and won’t accept.

We enjoyed yet another session of General Conference in October. There were things I enjoyed hearing and things I desperately needed to hear for my own good. I love General Conference, because although what they are saying are sometimes said in a nice way, it always seems to hit me in the heart, telling me I need to change. It’s like a loving reprimand. Exactly what I always need. Things were also a bit bumpy at home in North Pole. It was hard trying to get any privacy while we lived in my parent’s living room, sleeping on the futons. So, my good friend Silhouetta said they had an extra room and that we could move in. So we did that. We moved to Fairbanks. It was nice having our own room, and sharing an apartment with friends who have a baby girl just like us. It was cool to give each other advice and we are very much indebted to their hospitality, as well. They gave and expected nothing in return. Silhouetta and her husband are the kind of people that will do anything to help a friend out. And that’s really amazing. Thank you Sil!

November, holy cow! It seemed like the weeks just flew by in this month. We had one month left in Alaska and it seemed that time knew that so it sped up on its own. We got to celebrate Jamie, Joseph, and Amy’s birthdays as well as the awesome Thanksgiving at my parent’s house. So yummy. Towards the end of the month we started selling things and got ready to leave my beloved homeland. It was kind of bittersweet. We are so bloody tired of mooching off people and not being able to stand on our own, always relying on the mercy and goodness of someone else, that although we love Alaska, we knew it was really time to leave and come back to Idaho. While Jonathan attends school, that will be our home and we’re not moving for a long time. We knew Alaska was a temporary thing. And we were super glad to be able to share Lydia with her Alaskan family. We sure do miss Grandma, Grandpa, Andrew, Jamie, Anthony, Mari, Joseph and Amy dearly. I miss my sister Mari a lot. Although her work and school took a lot of time away from her, I loved hanging out with her the times I could. She was the best babysitter Lydia could ever have and a great Aunt – except for the time she helped give Lydia a bath and almost rubbed the first layer of skin off with a washcloth. She didn’t need to be THAT clean. lol. I love all the inside jokes (babies not being able to see for a week haha) we have, the time when we stayed up 'til 3am looking at Awkward Family Photos, and the extremely long facebook chats we shared together. I miss you Marz. Can’t wait ‘til you come down!

This last December has been one of the best I’ve ever had. We got to spend it with loving relatives. All of the Hernandez’s were there together, as a family. Anthony was back from his mission. Lydia was there. And the Grandparents were flown in from Mexico. I got to learn how to make pozolé and tamales for New Years and enjoyed so much other Mexican food Jonathan’s mom made. I’m glad we came down for Christmas. My in-laws were having huge Lydia withdrawals. Or should I say deprivation, since they had never really seen her. We had a great Christmas program and really focused on Christ this year. I hope next year our little family can spend Christmas together here in Idaho, making our own traditions and goodies. I want to do so much and make as many memories with my family as we can.

Well, that’s about it! That’s where 2011 took me! Or should I say, all three of us! Thank you 2011, but I’m ready to say goodbye and welcome 2012!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a sweet post! Nebraska was a nightmare for us too, but your friendship really helped us through it. With our hubbies working 12+ hours a day, it was nice to have a friend to run errands with and talk to throughout the day. And even though we didn't know it at the time, we were both pregnant together! We can tell Lydia and Lily about our Nebraska adventures someday!
