Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I won't deny, I'm obsessively in love with my baby! :)

Have you ever loved someone who couldn't talk? 

Who can't walk, or clean up after themselves?

Who can't bathe, clothe, or even make their own food?

The only way they can speak is by the sound of their cry, or the look in their eye.

I recently read something from President Boyd K. Packer from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, in his 1972 General Conference talk entitled, "Why stay morally clean".

"Someday you will hold a little boy or a little girl in your arms and know that two of you have acted in partnership with our Heavenly Father in the creation of life. Because the youngster belongs to you, you may then come to love someone more than you love yourself.

Through this loving one more than you love yourself, you become truly Christian. Then you know, as few others know, what the word Father means when it is spoken of in the scriptures. You may then feel something of the love and concern that He has for us.

It should have great meaning that of all the titles of respect and honor and admiration that could be given him, God himself, he who is the highest of all, chose to be addressed simply as Father."

Is it bad that I'm totally in love with my daughter?? Can it really be a bad thing if I'm kind of obsessed with her? It feels like I've waited so long (I've fantasized of wanting to have a child since highschool.. only doing it the right way - marriage, then baby) to have a child of my own, that now that she's here, I feel like it's never too much time spent being with her, cuddling, singing and loving on her. I almost feel like she can't be spoiled with love!
I may not know to the very extent that of which my Heavenly Father loves me, but I feel like I can relate in a tiny fraction of the love He must feel for His children, when I give the kind of selfless love to my daughter.

I'm so glad she gets to call me Mommy!

1 comment:

  1. I must admit, I've felt bad that I havn't met her yet (your only over in Northpole geeze) but, I feel not so bad because I'm honest when I say that I'm in love with her to (even without meeting her). She's quite the photogenic kid. What a happy crazy fun time this adventure of mommy hood must be!
