Friday, March 18, 2011

Long crazy week...

~Soo.. what's been new?~

I don't really remember what we did on Monday, but Tuesday I went to my best friend and her sister's joint baby shower (since they're only 10 weeks a part) and then right after we drove from Rexburg to Payson at 830pm and got in at almost 2am. Got up around 7am on Wednesday and had the viewing of my Grandfather at 930-10, the family prayer at 1040, and then the funeral service at 11, went to the burial spot where it was dedicated by my uncle, who is a chaplain, and then back to the church for a little lunch. We tried to take a nap back at my Grandma's house before leaving but it was pretty busy. Only got about 15 minutes in before we took our 5 hour drive back to Rexburg, since Jonathan had classes at 745 in the morning {ew}. Sooo all in all I've been pretty tired. I think I'm still trying to catch up on sleep. Naps aren't really helping cause then I end up waking up in the middle of the night. And I just found out my grandpa's brother just died today a few hours ago. HECTIC. 2 funerals in 2 weeks is not ideal. So stressfull, not to mention painful on the heart for all their loved ones! I didn't know my great uncle very well, who passed away, but if he's a brother to my grandpa, he must have been a good man, as well!

 {Side By Side, Hand In Hand, Heart To Heart}
I was doing fine at the funeral, until the guy directing the viewing announced the relatives to wish him their last goodbyes or wishes before they close the casket for the last time. My grandma was first, and when she turned around she was sobbing. I could NOT handle that and that's when the water works started for me. I was a mess. My mom couldn't be there, so Jonathan nudged at me and told me to go up, for her. I was the last one and when I got up, I touched his hand and (trying to quietly sob) said, "Mommy loves you" and sat back down. Ughhh, so emotional! It's crazy how much you can miss a person! That was probably the hardest for me. But there were so many wonderful and nice things said during the service. And all the grandkids/great grandkids sang I Am A Child of God. The things said about Grandpa made both me and Jonathan want to repent, of even just the little things, and become better - be like he was - amazing. His mansion above is definitely prepared for him.

~On a different note~
 I think my little bun in the oven is really cooking because I am getting more and more exhausted each day, even when I do the little simple things, like washing dishes or doing the laundry. I feel like I have to take a nap right after. I almost feel like I'm not even doing anything worthy to be so tired, but then have to remember I'm making a baby! Gotta give this body of mine some credit haha.

We actually went to the doctor yesterday as just part of the monthly routine. Funny story. So I guess another lady named Anna came in before I did and they checked her in as me. So when I check in, the receptionist is like, I can't find you.. and then the other guy helps her and she's like, ohh I guess you're already checked in. Weird.

So I sit down like normal. The CNA girl calls me back and we do vital signs, except their computers are going wonky so they can't actually put any info in. She ends up writing my name on a urine cup Anna Stevons lol. (I let her know it was wrong) Then she takes me to a room. (I can kind of sympathize with them because I know how well we all depended on our computers at the UAF health center). We were waiting there for about 20 minutes for the doc to come in (I guess they were leaving sticky notes on doors who had patients in them since they lacked their computers) and the girl comes back in and says, "our computers are working now, but since you're here because of depression we have to get a few more vitals"... I started laughing and said I'm not depressed! She was like, "oh.. you're not?? Oh, well then I guess we don't need this." lol And walked back out.. then a few minutes came back and said, "you sure you're not here for depression?" I smiled and said "nope! Not depressed haha." She apologized and said they'd get things straightened out. Soo finally my doctor comes in and the first thing I said to him was, "I'm not depressed! Haha". He started laughing. Apparently, the girl they checked in as me was a different woman who was there for depression. I swear! Why doesn't the front office ask for a LAST name, instead of just saying, "Oh, you're Anna, you must be here for an OB appointment? Or you must be here for depression?" So silly! But I love that office there, the people are so friendly, so it was just a goofy misunderstanding.

ANYWAY, the baby is doing good. Doc said my stomach looks the right size and the baby's heart beat is 160bpm. He gave me some red fluid {with 50 grams of sugar!!} that I have to drink next time so they can check for gestational diabetes and I asked him about the tingling on the outside of my left hip that happens when I lay on either side. He said it was probably a pinched nerve in my back. Looks like I'm reeeeally gonna have to invest in some pillows now! lol

Well, that's about it.Crazy busy and stressful times. I was glad to see my family in Utah, even if the reunion was for a funeral. It was a wonderful service. My grandpa loved many, and is loved by even more.

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