Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Random Rants...

 haha okay, I'm not ranting, but it flowed.

So I have come up with a few more things I need to do pretty soon. And then just a few random thoughts.

Change my maiden name to my married name.. technically I'm still a Stefan.. oops. 
But that means changing eeeeeevverything - social security card, driver's license.. then of course my maiden name is on the lease for our apt and my W-2s for taxes, so drat! I might as well wait until I file my taxes - or another month when my driver's license expires and I turn 21. But that's something I have to do. 

Either decide whether or not getting certified is really important enough for me to take the exam. Once I move to Nebraska I'll only have from May til July 5th to work as a Medical Assistant, and they want you certified in their state, at least from what I've seen from their craigslists adds. And it takes about 4 1/2 months (and $125) from the time you apply to the time you're allowed to take your exam. I only have until my graduation date to apply with that rate and then it bumps up to $250, which is no bueno. But I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth it or not. I mean, yes I know I went to school for it and it'd be great having in case anything happened to Jonathan (trust me, I've had that talk a zillion times) but I'm just not feeling it. Oyyy, decisions decisions...
We also have to find someone to buy our contract from us so we can be outta here by April 21st. Our lease goes from whenever we got it til July 2012.. and obviously we're not going to be here that long since we're leaving. The lucky thing is when we moved in we didn't have to pay a $350 deposit because the previous people were selling their contract to us, which is what will happen to someone who buys it from us. So that was cool for us, and will be cool for them. Now I just have to advertise.

I need to call AT&T's customer service so I can see if I can get my stupid upgrade!! I know I'm eligible for one. But when we moved down to Texas I got off my mom's account and got on Jonathan's mom's account (the both of us did) which automatically renewed our contract. SO... to the computer it looks as if we just barely signed up with AT&T 6 months ago. SO lame. I've had the same phone since the beginning of September 09, so I've had it for about eighteen months or so. The guy who helped us switch over to in Texas, in December said I could be able to get in it February. But I went in and they said I can't..and that I have to call customer service to try and change it. If I can't I have to wait a whoooole year.

I need to call and make an appointment with the WIC office...  pretty self explanatory.

On a good note I did some research and found out that in this town the local police/fire department does free CPR and First Aid training. Unfortunately, you can't get certified through them (you can do that through the hospital though, with a fee) but it's cool to know in case I want to do it just for the heck of knowing it. 

Jonathan went selling this last weekend and got another preseason sale. If you get at least one sale with Pinnacle Security you can trade your sale in and opt to get a iPad (basically $3-500 cheaper than if you were to buy one). And he's been wanting this fooooorever now. That's what he talks about all the time lol. He's so excited to get it, that last night I had a stupid dream about him and his team being the first people to repair this person's house and sewer system that if they did they would all win iPads. LOL so silly! But he's getting one in the mail tomorrow. It's easier to go knocking and tell people about the company and the alarms when it's easily accessible on the ipad, and have them sign up, when it's electronic instead of paper. So I guess it has its benefits. :P

On a different note, my grandpa is really sick again. He's suffered through different types of cancer - skin cancer (and others), pneumonia, his heart's sac is filled with fluid, among other things. He was doing well for a while and we got to visit him during Christmas break, but he is in the hospital again. This time it's hit him pretty bad so they always keep him sedated and on oxygen and a ventilator. My aunt said he's responded to verbal commands, but he is still stuck there. So we're making a trip to see him (and my Gandma and Aunts) this Friday-Saturday to Payson Utah. It may be the last time we see him, but we're hoping he can pull through until at least the weekend! I heard he is improving so that is good. C'mon Grahmpah! You can do it.

Anyways, this was just a random blog of what's been going on and what I've been thinking about. Sooo much to do!! 

PS: HAVE A HAPPY MARCH 1ST!!!! :D Spring is almost here!

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