Saturday, May 10, 2014

I Never Want To Forget My 1 year old

Finally! I'm getting around to this post. I'm only almost a month late. Oops :) We're just so busy having fun (okay read: busy with school) I kind of neglect my little blog from time to time, as I'm sure you can tell.

Elena had a great birthday! We did lots of fun things (which I will save for another post). And now that she's officially 12 months, aka 1 YEAR OLD (sheesh, time really does fly) I want to post what I never ever want to forget about my sweet little girl.

I never want to forget

How she can say "hi" when prompted ..sounds more like "hi-eee" and "bye-bye" which sounds a lot like "ba ba" haha. Then when I ask her what a cow says and moo for her she goes, "mboo" and asking what a puppy says and bark for her she goes "ra!" and then tries to copy what a kitty says. Gosh it melts me to pieces. She is learning so fast!

On that note, she can sign milk, more, and is starting to fold her arms for prayer. She also can sign "father" and "mother" and "please." Again, smarty pants.

She has 8 "regular?" teeth..and 4 molars. And then the teeth in between those are on the verge of coming. I can see a lot of cranky days ahead of me...

She wants to do everything that Lydia does. Seriously. Drink from the same sippy cups, play with the same toys, bathe together, even jump on my bed when Lydia does it haha - I only know that because she whined as she stood at the foot of my bed while Lydia was doing it. Inseparable...despite their sibling rivalry.

She is still, hands down the easiest sleeper ever. When she does wake up in the night (usually a few hours after I put her down..proabably due to the nightlight Lydia needs to have in their room), I just make her a bottle and put her back into bed after it's done. It doesn't matter if she's just woken up, she'll go back to sleep eventually without crying. It's so nice. And when I ask her "you need to go ni-night?" She'll always look to her bedroom door, or aim her hand in that direction because she knows. :)

When she doesn't want to finish the rest of her bottle, she thinks it's just so fascinating to tip her bottle upside down and pour it on to the furniture or floor. Haha she knows it's naughty, little stinker!

She will lean in and give us kisses when we ask (usually).. and goes "mmm." It's the sweetest thing. Ever.

How she absolutely hates being cleaned up after eating. She squeals and screams. She hates it.. I have no idea why haha

I never want to forget

She's a year old and still only army crawls. It makes me laugh. She can't crawl on her hands and knees yet (although I saw her take a few ..crawls?..the other day before she fell on her tummy and started army crawling again). I know she'll get there. I was talking to my mom last night and she said she was impressed because how many babies do we know that crawl on their elbows and push off with their feet/knees while holding toys/objects in their hands (seriously, that's the main reason she won't crawl.. it's nicer to hold things in her hand and scoot haha). I guess that's pretty cool :)

She usually sleeps all night. Except for that since I put Lydia back in their room together she'll wake up randomly 2 hours after they go to sleep and she'll just talk and sing and click her tongue until Lydia wakes up and says, "shh! Be ka-wet (quiet)" lol

She has gotten kind of a 'tude now that she's turned one, ya gotta watch out! I'm convinced it's her teeth...I'm probably right since she normally has a very sweet disposition. :)

Sometimes while sitting in my (or someone else's lap that she is comfortable in), she will lay her head against your chest and look up at you and smile or softly moan or say "mmm." It's so sweet.

She likes to dump all the clothes she finds anywhere...on the ground. She'll take my nicely folded laundry and throw it to the floor. Not much different than when she's eating haha She knows she's not supposed to put food on the floor but she does it anyway. Little stinker.

As she's becoming more and more mobile she wants to sit with me less and less. It was sweet though, the other day she just laid on my tummy next to me as we cuddled. I told her not to grow up.

I never want to forget

Her face after I gave her some of my veggie juice lol. The first taste seemed kinda gross but she whined for more so I guess she liked it.

She can scale furniture. And she has stood for at least 10 seconds by herself today!

Her cute smile.

Her desire to put everything in her mouth...still.

Her love for other babies. We got her a fake baby for her birthday and boy was she excited to open that present! And she still loves her baby and likes to feed it its bottle. But she also loves real babies too and likes to "pet" them. :)

She has no problem drinking from a sippy cup and I've even put regular milk in one and she drinks it fine. I'm thinking we'll have no problem transitioning over. Yay!

She always, always loves sharing her food/milk with you. It's actually kind of cute. When she's drinking her bottle and she's drank..drunk? most of it, she'll offer some up to your lips. Or today during Church she kept offering her cracker to Jonathan and he'd pretend to take a bite and she'd start laughing, then do it again. Repeated like 10 times. It was cute.

She likes being dipped upside down and laughs while doing it.

I never want to forget

How she got a "birthday cake" hangover. I think it was too much chocolate cake. The next day she had a fever and a really gross diaper. But I think she felt better after the cake left her system haha.

She loves my green smoothies.

She likes watching movies with Lydia like Snow White.

She absolutely loves phones. I try not to let her play with mine. I don't want her to get attached, but every once in a while I'll click on the lock screen so she can see the picture of us 3 and that will make her laugh and smile.

She sometimes wears 2 year old clothes haha. Not because she's outgrown her 12 month clothes, but I like the way they look on her haha. Sheesh.. kids grow up too fast!

 How she dances. Oh man it just cracks me up. I love when she wiggles her body in dance!

Lately she's been going around saying "ba-ba BAP" haha over and over and over. And she likes hearing her echo in the Church bathroom. :)

I just mostly never want to forget my sweet, fun loving little 1 year old! She grew so fast over the last year. I just can't believe it. And now it's almost been a month since her birthday. Goodness, I love that little one. Earlier Jonathan said, "Man, I don't know what I ever did without Baby Sis. How did I live my life without her!" She is just a bright child that radiates happiness and her smile will no doubt make you smile. She is just incredibly sweet.

I Honor You

This Mother's Day, while I feel extremely grateful to have the opportunity to be a mom, and I am thankful for my own mom and mother-in-law, I can't help but think of the many women who desire to be a mom and aren't one yet. This Mother's Day all I can think of is my dear friend Whitney.

She is one of the selfless people I know. She always has your back. I've been blessed to know her for about 2 years now and I am so thankful she is in my life. I consider her one of my best friends, since being here at BYU-Idaho. She watches the girls and they absolutely love her. She invites us over for dinner and does as much as she can to make you comfortable, she's even taken the girls overnight so Jonathan and I could have a night to ourselves. She serves, she gives me advice, she cooks (for my own kids) changes their diapers, treats us out sometimes, and much more. She is incredibly Christ-like. She forgives, she encourages, she's a leader, she has patience, she loves; there are many things I admire about her.

You may not know this, but her and her husband have been wanting to have a baby for a long time now. My heart aches when I think about her pure desire that is not fulfilled at this time. I admire her (and their) strength and faith. I remember the first time we hung out with them (2 years ago) we had found out they had already been trying for 1.5 years. We went home that evening, knowing they would be great parents, and prayed that they might be able to start their family, thinking it would surely happen soon. We still pray for them. I get defensive about my dear friends when I hear insensitive comments toward them or others struggling with infertility (I had a tear fest at Broulims one night when she told me a terrible story that happened to her. I couldn't stop crying! It made me mad that some people have the nerve to say some things...anyway). I'm thankful that through knowing them I have learned a lot about infertility. I hope that I can sympathize with others who struggle through it. It has surely opened my eyes.

I  want to echo the words I wrote 2 years ago on Mother's Day in the post called "To All the Mothers Who Taught Me Something":

"I would like to thank those Moms, who desire to be a Mother, but can't - whether they must wait a few more, long, hopeful years to start their family, or their bodies are just physically unable. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to accept the fact that I couldn't have children, or couldn't have any more. Whenever I think I'm having a hard time, or feel discouraged in my parenting, all I have to do is be reminded of someone who can't carry their own child (or doesn't have the means to adopt), and I instantly count my many blessings. I have so much to be grateful for. Thank you for still having the longing to be a Mom, even though you feel your dreams seem far-reaching. Thank you for that desire. Blessed are the parents who desire to have children, and can't, over those who could but selfishly relinquish their parental duties. Thank you for reminding me of my ultimate desire and want - to be a Mother."

I understand that Mother's Day is probably the hardest holiday for women who simply want a child. But this Mother's Day, I want to let Whitney and all women out there know, especially those wanting to hold their own child in their arms, that I honor YOU as Mothers. You are mothers in my eyes.

You are mothers in eyes of the Lord.

"Motherhood is more than bearing children, though it is certainly that. It is the essence of who we are as women. It defines our very identity, our divine stature and nature, and the unique traits our Father gave us. For mother is the word that will define a righteous woman made perfect in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom, a woman who has qualified for eternal increase in posterity, wisdom, joy, and influence." (Sheri Dew "Are We Not All Mothers?")