Friday, March 21, 2014


While this week has been for the most part laid back and minimal in the homework department, I still needed Lydia to be engaged in some fun activities as I did the rest of my homework (online stuff - boring). So most of you know that I asked for toddler approved indoor activities on facebook. It really helped get my creative juices flowing. BUT.. I didn't do anything you guys mentioned..haha not yet anyway. Don't worry, it wasn't all for naught. They were some really good suggestions, but here is what we did do, that was probably equally as fun!!

For a long time I've thought about growing a garden (which is near impossible at an apartment complex..and after our recent laundry theft I'm not taking any chances of putting any personal item outside of our home) instead I wanted to teach Lydia about faith and patience and waiting for the flowers to grow. She's never really seen a seed in action, so while I was at the store I picked up some potting soil and some flower seeds (and chalk, even those aren't related at all haha). When I got home I asked Lydia if she wanted to do an activity with me. She was super excited! Using the pot I painted and had glazed while we were in Nebraska in 2011 (about the one good thing that came from being there - besides befriending Mandy :) ), I had Lydia help me pour the dirt, poke little holes in it, plant the itsy bitsy seeds, cover them up and pour water on it. She was super impatient and thought that the flowers would immediately pop out, however she liked this "ah-ta-bee" (activity).

Not so happy we have to wait a few days (or weeks?) to see our flowers...

Haha yeah, I can't wait to see some... Phlox... (never heard of it in my life ;) )

You try explaining plant growth to a two and a half year old. Yeah.

She was kind of upset but I told her it would take a few days before we would see anything. Lemme tell you, I'm super excited! I really hope we don't kill this plant-child. When friends have asked me to babysit their plants in the past I could never figure out why they started wilting as soon as I took care of them. I really hope Lydia is excited by this planting process as I am..and who knows, we might try to do different kinds of flowers or perhaps small vegetables in the future if we can prove we're good plant-parents!!

After that I brought out the chalk and after about an hour of trying to convince her to wear pants so we could go outside, we ventured out to the side walk path of our apartment and colored all over the place. I drew the ABC's and she traced over most of them; we drew some flowers, a dog and cat, our family, and a note to the neighbors as they come down the stairs telling them to "have a good day!" We were out there for a good half hour or so, thanks to the sun and the not-so-usual-windy weather.
Even Elena enjoyed being outside (even though she dove for the chalk a few times). She liked sitting on the grass and crawling around. Summer will be so good for us :)

Right before she drew a vertical rainbow haha.. I had to demonstrate later how rainbows looked.

Elena trying to eat some grass lol

Lydia...scolding Elena for eating said grass hahahaha

Jumping on the "Tangled" flower haha ;)

When we came in Lydia told me, "I like da ah-ta-bee." :) I really love how she can't pronounce that word.. it makes my heart giggle. Since I had been up since 7:45 and the girls had woken up earlier at 9:45, we all agreed it was in our best interest to take a nap. That felt so nice.

 I love having fun and spending time with my girls.

Family Time Is Sacred Time. It Should Be Protected and Respected.
Pres. Boyd K. Packer

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