Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Birth Days!

The month of June is a month holding the dates in which very special people were born. 

These two people happen to be men.
They happen to be fathers.
And I happen to love both of them.

First, my dad. Born June 22, 1955

He's hardworking and service-oriented
He loves camping and fishing
Always finds a way to fix a [read: your] problem
Has a funny sense of humor
He always takes care of his family, even me, and I live 2, 657 miles away!
Knows what it's like to live and survive on his own, and
He's lived the American dream
(You can read more about him here)

Second, Jonathan. Born June 24, 1988

He's gentle and kind
Loving and sweet
People may say he's weak, but he's really just a soft-hearted person. Is that really bad?
No, it's not.
He's also hard working and has a goofy sense of humor
He kills {me} at COD Black Ops and I love that he always wants me to play with him
He loves his family and his church.
He's wonderful in every way.
(You can read more about him here)

You see, this is why I'm blessed. I have two amazing men sharing their birthdays a day a part. 
I'm so thankful for their mothers who raised wonderful men.

Happy Birthday Guys!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I Never Want To Forget

My Two Month Old

I never want to forget how she smiles constantly when you talk to her. I've nicknamed her smiles. Something about hearing your voice just makes her beam. 

She is already a little chunker! She's 12lbs 12 oz at her 2 month appointment. And she screamed her head off while getting 3 shots.

That she fussed all through her baby blessing. You can read more about that here.

She is such a little space heater! Seriously, she's always so hot!

I Never Want To Forget

How she will seriously keep me up all night...especially on the nights where I have to be at school the next morning. It's like she knows...

That she found her voice and it is the sweetest thing when she tries to "oohh" back to me in a conversation.

That when she actually does take a 3 hour nap, I can actually get something done!

She's my little water baby. She loves baths. :)

I Never Want To Forget

She's a precious little soul.When she hears someone else crying, like Lydia, she gets a frown on her face and  is about to cry too.

She is my extremely cuddly little cuddle bug. Seriously, if you are ever having a bad day and need someone to cuddle, she's your girl. It's her favorite thing to do.

When she wakes up from a good nap, she is the happiest! I wish everyone could see how happy she is.  It makes the rough nights forgettable. 

How much I love her.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Elena Rosalynn Hernandez

As you all know, Sunday was Father's Day. Here at our house, we had 3 Father's present. I find it especially special (is that redundant?) that we got to bless little Elena on Father's Day. What an awesome treat.

We were able to have the whole family (minus Laura's husband) here over the weekend and both brothers, Alex and Anthony came to be in the blessing circle. Every time I know there's a blessing coming up, whether it's for a baby or a calling, I always intend to write it down so that the person it's intended for can remember those special words, because a sweet girl did that for me once, yet I'm always so flustered right before the blessing and forget. So, I only remembered a few phrases from the blessing. I'm glad the Angels in Heaven record every good thing so that I don't have to rely on me remembering.
Here is what I remembered..before I sadly zoned out due to sleep deprivation haha.. must've been the most important parts. :)

The name in which you have been given and will be known by will be Elena Rosalynn Hernandez. 

I bless you to be a virtuous daughter of your Heavenly Father.

I bless you to show love to your parents, to your siblings and friends and especially to your Father in Heaven.

I bless you that as the perils of life come upon you, you will turn to Jesus Christ for His strength. 

In the dress that I made her. :)

I feel extremely blessed to have such wonderful fathers in my life - my dad, my father-in-law and Jonathan, the father of our children. Not many can say they have such wonderful people in their lives. I'm glad my husband stepped up to the plate and consistently takes care of his family through love and hard work. I know I always say this, but I'm abundantly blessed. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Phoooottooo Duuummmpppp

In case you were unaware... that title was said in a singy-song voice to make things around here a little more entertaining.

Here are some pictures as of late! I'm trying to whip out the ol' camera more. I couldn't take any pictures for a while because I couldn't find the camera chip but Lydia miraculously found it somewhere. So here we go!

They decided to let all the kids ride and we were 5 seconds too late. So when it was our turn she was the only one riding the carousel. 

On the "hossy ride" haha

Love her face here!

I will only pretend to like this for 10 seconds. I detest anything other than mom's arms... 

Totally cheesin' it!

Now dat's a big baby!! Taken today 6/10/13

Say cheese!

Not sure why this one won't turn! I've tried to rotate it multiple  times. Guess you'll just have to turn our head to see
The Cuteness!