Sunday, November 25, 2012

25/30 of Thirty Thankful Days

25/30 of Thirty Thankful Days!

Today while finishing my makeup to get ready for church, our power went out. I had dinner in the crock pot that still needed 5 more hours to go, as well as blow drying my wet hair. I figured it would just go back on within a minute or two, or 5 at the max. Well, an hour went by and nothing. We ended up going to church and had only sacrament meeting in the (mostly) dark chapel. But it was a really good one. I am so glad I got to go. I got to hear Christmas prelude music, sing my favorite hymn - As Now We Take the Sacrament - take the sacrament and be forgiven of my sins.

Today, besides being thankful for all those things, I am really thankful for our power. It's weird how much we rely on that these days, when some of our ancestors barely had candles! I think we take for granted our power/electricity a lot. Our clocks/microwave/stove stopped working, the fridge, my crockpot, the stove, and hair appliances and even the heat turned off. I'm really glad it came back on before we came home (only being gone an hour, but out for two?) but it also made me think that we are definitely not as prepared for a long-term power outage as we should be. Maybe it's a warning, but I definitely want to work on that this coming year. Today I am thankful for our living comforts. Thanks be to God for allowing us to be in light and warmth, once again! :)

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