Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tito and Tita!

Remember those darling pictures of Lydia in two tutus (I should hope so, because it was only yesterday)? Well, I'm here to talk about the creative lady who made them for her, my mother-in-law, Olga Hernandez. Actually, I'm gonna talk about her and her awesome husband, Alejandro, as well! What a treat. You won't be disappointed.

Sometimes, for the heck of it, and when I have time, I like to start at the very beginning of my blogging experience - way the heck back in July 2010 and read all the posts up until the present time. I started this blog about a week before I was getting married, and I'm so glad I did so I could document all the experiences and emotions of that new adventure. I don't think at the time much of it made it into my personal journal, so that is why I'm glad I wrote it all here. And it was when I was reading those early posts that I noticed I mentioned my in-laws lots of times, thanking them for all they did for us - for me - someone they hadn't even met a week prior to our wedding. So here are some reasons why they are so awesome!! Feel free to be impressed.

First, they raised an amazing man that later became my husband. He inherited his mother's beautiful cheekbones and sense of humor, and his father's love and compassion for people around him.

They also had 3 amazing sons go on missions!

They planned our whole wedding reception - took care of all the decorations - hand made by her - might I add, the cakes, the DJ and even took care of my hair and make-up for my wedding day. They treated us out to eat and drove us everywhere we needed to go while me and my parents/sister were there in Texas. They put a lot of hard work and effort into our reception, and even a simple, "Thank you" could probably never suffice for what they have done.

My dad jokingly asked for a mariachi band at our reception, and Jonathan's dad delivered. He did a solo with a sombrero and outfit and the whole shabang. I wish I had a picture to show you how awesome it was. I didn't know his dad could sing, but he can, and well.

That's it, minus the dancers. This pic was taken for a diff event. But it's still pretty cool!

His mom hooked us up with an amazing apartment/furniture while we were newly married in Texas, and let me help her in the leasing office to cut back on rent, which we were really grateful for. She also let us use her car when we needed to go places until we got our own and made yummy Mexican food every Sunday after church, even when all we really wanted to do was relax.

His dad is amazing when it comes to giving advice. When we were unsure what to do after being newly married, he told us with confidence that no matter what our plans were it could be "whatever you wanted." Basically - you can make it happen. He was, after all, a Branch President and knows how to talk to people about anything and can cheer you up when you're having an off day. I don't think I've EVER met a more humble man than my father in law. He cares so much for his family and loves each one of his kids and his wife tenderly.

They are both tirelessly hard workers. He was an apartment maintenance man and she was an apartment complex manager in TX. He knows how to fix everything (like my dad - they have a lot in common!) seriously! Even when I was having an ear-ache due to the AC blowing on me at night (when I thought I was having a tooth problem - my jaw just hurt), which I didn't know that was what it was, he gave me advice on how to cure it, and it worked! His mom enjoyed working and bringing home the extra paycheck so they could enjoy the extra luxuries and she always had a knack for making her home beautiful, as well as herself. She is one beautiful lady!!

And they are one cute couple

Whenever I am around my second mom I am always delighted in what she will whip up for dinner. And I love the holidays because that is when the special treats come out. This last Christmas/New Year she taught me/I helped make pozole and tamales. It was a fun time. No doubt do people of a Mexican culture know how to work hard at what they want. They work a lot, but they also love their family a lot. And cooking (and cleaning) for your big family is a big act of service. It takes a lot of time.

 In short, I just wanna say that my in-laws are so amazing! They love their kids so much they left their home state, good ol' Texas to move to Colorado to be near their daughter and her kid(s) and within traveling distance to BYU-Idaho where their 3 sons all go to school. Could they be more proud?

 Laura, Alex, Jonathan, and Anthony, you have some great parents!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

TuTus from Tita

So yesterday while at the park I took a lot of photos of Lydia and uploaded a lot of raw, unedited images. While that's nice, I also do enjoy editing pictures and adding a little splash of color here and there, although with these decorative tutus, you hardly needed more color. They are beautiful, vibrant gifts from my Mother-in-law, Olga Hernandez, for Lydia (Tita is Grandma's nickname- short for abuelita). They've been hanging in her closet waiting for her to fatten up to fit in them - at this rate it could take forever haha. I thought today was the perfect day to test them out. 

She reminds me of why I fall in love with her, every day.

Yes.. I am quoting Queen's song, "Born to Love You" ;)

I had to edit this one.. it just makes me laugh. I kept having to move her to the blank
wall for pictures and she's crying because I moved her and she wanted to play hehe..

She loves butterflies - has them on her walls in her room. She likes touching the wall stickers
and knows what I mean when I say butterflies. That's why I added that. :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nothin' But Blue Skies

I took Lydia to the park for about an hour or so today. She swung on the swings, but there were a lot of kids so we decided to take play time to the grass. She was kind of tired before we left, so while on the swings she was pretty happy (and distracted by all the kids), and on the grass she just contently played with her dandelion until it was no longer a flower. By the end she was ready to go home and take a nap. But we enjoyed the sun, breeze, and blue skies.

I can't get enough of my baby, who seems to be growing up before my eyes,
 faster than the dandelion in her hand.

My one good smile I got out of her. The rest of the time she was too tired to care

I love how her lower lip falls out when she looks down :)

"Pleeeease smile for mommy..." "..this is all you're getting"

She HAD smiled but for being so shutter happy, I wasn't fast enough and this was all I got.
She looks like she's so much smarter than me. Probably is.

time to relax

She hated having my shades on her..

But I was lucky to get one shot before she tore them off.

"Here mom, I'll share the stem with you." :)

I love precious baby feet!

I put her on the grass and she did not like that..

She likes taking the flower and rubbing it down her face lol

Not sure what she was saying to it. Love her imagination :)

You would think she was about to eat it..but notice the flower parts on her forehead.
She's rubbing it down her face again lol

I love these grass shots

I love this one.. it's the very idea of childhood.

My favorite shot..ever..

I moved the flower over so she'd have to crawl to get it. Heheh

One word..: vampire

"Here ya go mom, I'm done!"

"Gosh..could taking a bazillion pictures of me be any more boring?"

"I'm done with the park mom, can we go..?"