Monday, February 13, 2012

This is a

...Mom and Dad post... 

and by that, I mean Anna and Jonathan. This post is solely dedicated to two awesome people! And we shan't talk about Lydia today because she somehow always steals the spotlight in almost every post. Darn her cuteness!


Ahem, you'll have to excuse the oldness of this photo. I don't even remember the last time I took a picture of just me without Jonathan or know who. ;) But I recently got a haircut, and this length is actually really close to what I have now.

 Anna Kathlene Hernandez
Lover of dogs and little babies. If Bella had married Jacob, she could have had puppy babies.. they'd be cute, and cuddly. Stupid girl.
Likes Michael Buble and Natasha Beddingfield.
Is tender hearted and wished all people could get a long and be nice to each other.
Likes old fashioned things, especially pictures and the way people treated each other. She loves really old old couples and their love stories.
Sometimes a good book is hard to find, but when she finds one she goes into a reading frenzy.
Loves her family more than anything, and believes that sacrifice and service are keys in loving the people around you.
She used to be good at journal writing, but has kind of slacked off a bit. It's hard when there's a bazillion other things to do these days, hence she blogs. When she has internet, that is.
Loves to sing and secretly loves musicals. Hairspray is actually one of her favorites. Yes, the one with John Travolta!
Born in Utah, grew up in (North Pole) Alaska, got married in Texas, and now resides in Idaho!
Studied Medical Assisting at the UAF for two years, graduated with her A.A.S but secretly loves American Sign Language and wishes if she could pursue anything else, she would pursue that.
She loves writing and getting letters so if you need a pen pal, she's your girl!
She wants to help people a little too much, but lacks most the resources to do so, so she's lucky a prayer goes a long way. 
She loves the truthfulness of her Church, and is grateful for the tenderness of a loving God. She believes in miracles and blessings and has yet to see them cease in her life.
In short, she's really lucky to be who she is today. :)

 Jonathan Hernandez
He has no middle name
He is a kind and loving person, always ready to help.
He's a jokester like no other. Most the time his wife has to tell him to be a bit more serious!
He wants to succeed and do real well in life. His main goal is to provide happiness and security for his wife and family.
He likes hot sauce on most everything. 
He tries his hardest in all things that he does and when he really puts his mind to it, he does accomplish his goals.
He has a strong testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and likes to share it with others.
His favorite dog is a husky, and he likes bears and wolves.
He served his mission in Alaska and loves that country, cough, state!
Jonathan would do anything for his family.
He likes to learn and read interesting things. You can always find him reading the news.
He is a history buff! He loves the world wars and knows a lot about the military.
He was in the ROTC in high school/some college courses, and has a passion for it!
He's a Texas Longhorns fan and a Tennessee Titans fan.
Jonathan loves a good game of Cranium and some mean 007 Golden eye!
If he could be in Alaska fishing and hunting, he'd be one happy man!
Even though sometimes he'll pretend like he's not going to do what you ask, he always pulls through and surprises you.
He loves the Temple and has a goal to go multiple times a week, even without his wife! 
Jonathan is happy to be a father and husband. He is so thankful for a loving God who gives him the opportunity to be better every day.
In short, Jonathan is really lucky to be who he is today. :)

 And there you have it! Sorry we're a bit biased, but Lydia, you have some cool parents!

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