Thursday, November 3, 2011

Growin' Growin'... Gone!

So, Lydia is officially 4 months! Can I just grab time and ask for a time OUT? She is just getting so darn big. I look at her newborn pictures and it brings me back to those first memories with her, and just how tiny she was. I love my baby! :) Sometimes when she is sleeping over my shoulder, I look at her hands dangling down and sit there in awe that our bodies are programmed to make such perfect beautiful things! It's truly amazing!

Well, we are learning to roll. Haha, I mean she is learning to roll. I've already perfected that art many years ago. ;)
It was cute. One time I laid her in her crib, walked a way, and when I came back she was using the crib wall to help push her on her side to roll over. She didn't get it all the way, but every time she'd see me she'd stop. And when she didn't know I was there she'd keep trying. She has such funny crib/sleeping habits.

Today, for example. I know when she is waking up when she constantly moves around in the crib and I can hear it creaking. It means she's on the verge of waking up she's just not 100% completely there yet. So I usually just let her be until I hear her start "barking" for help haha. So that lasted about 5 minutes. And when I went to go check on her, she was facing the opposite direction than that of which I first left her to go to sleep. She did a 180 while waking herself up. Usually I find her head facing one of the walls, and that's when she starts making noise because she gets frustrated that her head is crammed into the wall, but today she somehow managed to bipass that and go straight the other way. Funny girl.

I threw her monkey in the crib today and she just "oooh-ed" it for a while like she was talking to it lol.

So, on Halloween, I decided to get some Gerber apples and bananas baby food for her, just to see if she would like it. I think she enjoyed it. It's not top on her menu right now..she'll still take milk over baby food. But I think the taste is interesting to her so she'll tolerate for a bit. Maybe it's too sweet. Oh well. :) We didn't do anything special for Halloween. All baby costumes are expensive so we didn't even bother. Especially since she's just a baby and won't remember it anyway, and it was too cold out to trick or treat. AND she can't eat candy anyway! So we just went over to my parent's house and watched Ernest Scared Stupid! I love the Ernest movies! So funny. :) Next year though, I kinda want to dress her up as Boo from Monster's Inc. :) We'll see.

Lydia goes in for her 4 month check up and lovely shots next week on Tuesday, so we'll see how big she's gotten. Oh we can't wait. Heheh ;)

Well, news for us... we have our tickets to fly to Colorado on December 5th at 8am. Our car is in Denver, so we'll go there and spend Christmas with Jonathan's whole family at his sister's house with her family. They picked up the grandparents from Mexico and Jon's youngest brother is getting off his mission Nov 14th. And his parents are moving from TX to CO to be closer to everyone. So basically, ALL the family is going to be there. And they want to meet *cough* spoil *cough* Lydia really bad. So it's a pretty big deal haha. We're lucky everything turned out good with the tickets and his family pitched in to help us buy them so that was way nice. I kinda can't wait for the holidays to be over *gasp, I can't believe I'm actually saying that* But that just means I'm closer to getting to Idaho and closer to having our own home again! I honestly must say that I'm SOOO excited for that. We'll get our bed back, plus a lot of our belongings we haven't seen for half the year, we get to accumulate furniture, and finally call our own apartment, home. I'm tired of moving, so I'm reeeeeally hoping for the next few years that we just stay put in that little ol' town of Rexburg.

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